Here's my foray into the world of non-scientific, wild ass, guess-tastic speculation.

Many have said that Uncle Bad Touch Joe is a Trojan Horse to set up a harris regime. It's been speculated that about a year to a year and a half into biden's administration that he would be declared incompetent, step down, 25th Amendment, etc. Knowing that the commies never let a crisis go to waste and knowing that if there is no crisis, they will concoct one, here's my theory.

Why have joe declared incompetent and confirm the dementia and diminished capacity that everyone already knows he suffers from? Picture this if you can stomach it, THE JOE BIDEN MEMORIAL GUN CONTROL ACT OF 2022. A total ban on civilian ownership of firearms, brought about by bumbling joe's death at the hands of a evil, dastardly, Bible thumping, embittered Trump supporter with an scary assault weapon(think Jimmy Shifflett in EFAD by Matt Bracken). Following a groundswell of bipartisan support for such a ban after the senseless death of a "beloved president," newly minted president harris signs it into law with a tear in her eye and a smile in her heart.

I hope to heaven I am wrong and I can look back at this later and laugh at myself, but I fear this is all too plausible. Especially if the dhimmicrats don't get control of the senate.

Last edited by McMedic; 11/15/2020 03:37 PM.