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2 cents on aquiring survival skills in urban enviroment #100669
05/29/2010 12:45 PM
05/29/2010 12:45 PM
Joined: Sep 2006
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mak9030mag Offline OP
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mak9030mag  Offline OP
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If a individual was forced to live in a urban enviroment off the grid,for whatever reson,ie living on the streets.

One can still continue their life.

How does one go about learning living on the streets skills, if one has never been there?

Every city has homeless shelter/homeless camps/homeless individuals.

Go to one of these places strike up a conversation with different individuals.Find out who is the most knowlegdable on how to survive on the streets.

It might cost you a pack of smokes or a few bucks or even a cheese burger or 2.

Once you gain your intell on individual/individuals explain to them what and why to a point, of why you want to know street skills.
IE safest/places to sleep-food banks food shelters-best places to dumpster dive at etc.

Another thing to do is find and recon all parks/swamps/vacant woode lots etc. for yourself.

Not all homeless know about all things.

It is better to know about something beforehand. If it might be in one near future.

Preparation is the key to surviving a bad situation.

Re: 2 cents on aquiring survival skills in urban enviroment #100670
05/30/2010 11:16 AM
05/30/2010 11:16 AM
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it the Hearts and Minds of Pat...
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DICK WOLF  Offline
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it the Hearts and Minds of Pat...
The homeless do net work. Some have mental health isues. Dont be ofended when you ask these question; and they look like your stupid.
Note some are people who have served out of prison and cant find work, Homeless people can be dangerous. Invadeing their private space.
Is like some one walking into your liveing room just to ask a question.

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