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Operation Castaway #153110
07/11/2011 04:41 AM
07/11/2011 04:41 AM
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'Operation Castaway - Casting Away the Constitution!

Operation Castaway is a BATF operation ran out of Tampa in which the agency let straw buyers purchase weapons, and then let those weapons walk out of the country under the guise of an international investigation.

This arrest warrant ( Firearms traffickers sought in Operation Castaway ) that the weapons ended up in Puerto Rico and throughout Central and South America, and have been linked to violent crimes around the world.

Here is the initial report announcing the ‘success’ of this operation being the largest weapons dealing case in Florida history. Major international investigation results.

In various comments in the report DHS and U.S. Attorneys acknowledge their responsibilities for “import and export enforcement in order to keep our citizens safe and secure”, and that taking “high-level weaponry off the streets will increase safety not only for our citizens but for people abroad”, but then incredulously fail to acknowledge that by allowing these weapons to walk across the border they were aiding and abetting the murders and violent crimes in which these weapons were ultimately utilized.

Reportedly the Special Agent in Charge of Operation Fast and Furious being ran out of the Phoenix Field Division was SAC O’Brien, whom was promoted to Deputy Assistant Director of the ATF, but then stepped down for a position in the Tampa BATF offices from which Operation Castaway was ran as part of an Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force conducted by DHS Investigations, ATF, ICE, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, and the Miami-Dade Police Department.

The ‘smoking gun’ of these revelations is that Fast and Furious was not a scandal isolated to a rogue field division, but an established policy funded and enforced with interdepartmental cooperation across numerous departments of government, thereby refuting the Congressional testimony of several senior officers of government that they knew nothing of the project or operations.

Acting Director Kenneth Melson of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has refused political pressures to fall on his own sword and resign as the scapegoat of the scandal, and instead appeared before Congress over the 4th of July with his own private counsel, and provided testimony that the DOJ was blocking any efforts of the BATF and other agencies to comply with Congresses investigation.

Consequentially Congress sent a 5 page letter to the Attorney General rebuking him and demanding his compliance with the Congressional investigation, and giving a stark warning the DOJ initiating reprisals against anyone offering or called to testify before Congress. Congressional Letter

Attorney General Eric Holder and other senior officers of the Administration have testified before Congress that they knew nothing of Project Gunrunner or the various operations ran under it, but the witness testimony and evidence and a review of C-Span and other televised statements prior to the emergence of the scandal prove otherwise, and indeed, appear to confirm that the orders directing Project Gunrunner and the operations under it came directly from the President of the United States.

Here is one example of C-Span video from March 24th, 2009. C-Span video

Here is the full length 31 minute version of the C-Span video of the news conference announcing the Border Security Policy, with comments and explanations by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg and Deputy Attorney General David Ogden. C-Span video

Project Gunrunner, from which both Operation Fast and Furious and Operation Castaway are linked, was actually funded by Congress in the stimulus bill, and then enacted by the President.

Information provided to the Congressional investigation reveals that taxpayer dollars were funneled by the FBI, DEA, and other agencies to covert agents, confidential informants, and known felony criminals to finance the purchase and trafficking of weapons across international borders under the supervision of BATF.

News is still forthcoming that similar operations were conducted under Project Gunrunner in Texas and several other states.

ATF Tampa Division walked guns to Honduras and to MS13 gang members The video from Fox News details how weapons that the BATF in Tampa let walk were funneled to MS13, one of the worlds most notorious and dangerous criminal organizations. MS13 is responsible for the deaths of several U.S. officers and agents both in Central and South America, and within the United States. There are many known instances in which MS13 has placed hit orders on various officers and agents in New York, California, Texas, Arizona, and in other states.

As this scandal continues to unfold with revelations that these weapons where financed and trafficked across international borders with the blessing and assistance of the U.S. Government via the policies enacted by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, how is it possible that senior members of this administration may reasonably assert that their powers under the Constitution gave them the powers and authorities to enforce foreign policy and conduct criminal investigations in such reckless fashion?

Their Acts, enforced by their orders and policies, are directly responsible for creating an open state of War along our southern border in which over 30,000 Mexican citizens have been murdered, hundreds of Mexican government officials have been murdered, thousands of American citizens have been assaulted, kidnapped, raped, and murdered in violent crimes in States along the border, and border patrol agents have been murdered with the weapons that our government allowed to ‘walk‘ under the guise of a so called investigation.

It is incredulous that the officers of our government can create the sources, mechanism, monies, and material logistics and supplies by which aide and comfort are given to illicit criminal organizations, and which ultimately abet to commission of egregious crimes and endangerments of War under the guise of investigations and sting operations conducted by their offices.

These are officers sworn to uphold the United States Constitution. Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution defines that Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.


Thank you to everyone for joining me in viewing this edition of ‘The Patriot Code, and discussing the Nuclear Options of Political Discourse. We are the heirs of the untold sacrifices and generational suffering of innocents, patriots, and tyrants that have nourished the Tree of Liberty.

Whenever government abuses and exceeds it Constitutional authorities, and the officers of governance fear that a patriot might come along whom can postulate and illustrate in plain spoken and common language why the halls of governance should be shaken to its foundations and they should be held to account before a Jury of American citizens, be it the President or any other officer holding office, I'm your Huckleberry.

May God Bless the United States, our Armed Forces, our Law Enforcement and 1st Responders, and the Civic Virtue and Jurisprudence of our Citizens. No matter what may come, we will leave a legacy to the heirs of our struggles and to future generations so that they may reforge the equalities of a Constitutional Republic and accountability to the Rule of Law with the loving tenderance and fidelities of Honor, Civic Virtue, and Liberty.

Until next time.


For the Republic,
Robin W. Tong

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Operation Castaway #153111
07/11/2011 06:29 AM
07/11/2011 06:29 AM
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FEMA Region V
Straycat Offline
Straycat  Offline
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I wonder how many of 'em are walking their way into Detroit, Newark, Shitcago, Atlanta, and so on.
The feds would love to arm those people up to help along the upcoming civil war that they're planning.

Re: Operation Castaway #153112
07/11/2011 10:48 AM
07/11/2011 10:48 AM
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Ya know...

Since Obumer used stimulus money to buy guns for the mexican drug runners; the militia should demand fair and equal treatment under the law. Everyone of us should receive a shiny new weapon and a case of ammunition; compliments of uncle scam.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Operation Castaway #153113
07/11/2011 10:56 AM
07/11/2011 10:56 AM
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Straycat Offline
Straycat  Offline
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Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Ya know...

Since Obumer used stimulus money to buy guns for the mexican drug runners; the militia should demand fair and equal treatment under the law. Everyone of us should receive a shiny new weapon and a case of ammunition; compliments of uncle scam.
I'll take an FN FAL. I've always wanted one after seeing the Rhodesian Army carry 'em.
Can a request 2 cases of ammo though?

Re: Operation Castaway #153114
07/11/2011 01:53 PM
07/11/2011 01:53 PM
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ironshaolin Offline
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ironshaolin  Offline
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I second that notion. New weapons for all able bodied, American citizens between the ages of 18-45 whom have no felonies on record.

Seriously, if this case does go up to the President, he SHOULD be put forth, along with the ATF, in front of a jury of American citizens and tried for treason. Where's the DA or judge brave enough to take this step?

"Knowing is not enough, one must do. Willing is not enough, one must apply"- Bruce Lee
Re: Operation Castaway #153115
07/19/2011 06:25 PM
07/19/2011 06:25 PM
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Imagrunt Offline
Imagrunt  Offline

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Originally posted by ironshaolin:
I second that notion. New weapons for all able bodied, American citizens between the ages of 18-45 whom have no felonies on record.

Seriously, if this case does go up to the President, he SHOULD be put forth, along with the ATF, in front of a jury of American citizens and tried for treason. Where's the DA or judge brave enough to take this step?
Is this a case of treason?

It appears to be more a case of perjury, collusion, and accessory to murder, not to mention the gross hypocrisy.

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!

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