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Buy Lots Of Food #173935
09/01/2020 09:31 AM
09/01/2020 09:31 AM
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Buy Lots Of Food And Store It Some Place Safe, Because Very Difficult Times Are Approaching

Most Americans are still not prepping
By Michael Snyder | Economic Collapse Tuesday, September 01, 2020

I’m just going to be very blunt with you.

Things have already gotten quite crazy, but they are going to get even crazier.

Global food supplies have already gotten tight, but they are going to get even tighter.

When even the UN starts using the word “biblical” to describe the famine that the world is facing, that is a sign that the hour is very late.

Thankfully, we are not facing famine in the short-term here in the United States, but “temporary shortages” of certain items have already been popping up, and food prices are aggressively shooting higher.

Earlier today my wife stopped by the grocery store to pick up a couple of things, and one particular item that used to cost about 12 dollars was now 20 dollars instead.

But thanks to the Federal Reserve, this is about as low as food prices are going to get.

The Fed seems absolutely determined to crank up inflation, and that is going to have very serious implications during the times that are ahead.

Right now we have a window of opportunity before the next wave of trouble comes along, and I would greatly encourage you to use this window of opportunity to buy lots of food and store it some place safe.

Some people seem to think that if they have stored up a couple months worth of food that they will be just fine.

Unfortunately, that is not the reality of what we are facing. The truth is that you should have enough food to feed every single person in your household for an extended period of time, and many of you will need much more than that. Because when things get really crazy, many of the friends, neighbors and extended family members that neglected to prepare will come knocking on your door asking for help.

There are some people that would turn away those friends, neighbors and extended family members, but I couldn’t do that. Yes, they are at fault for refusing to get prepared, but I just couldn’t turn them out into the street.

If you also plan to assist those around you that are in need, that just makes your job even bigger. In the end, there is a limit to what any of us can do, and so we will do what we can with what we have and we will leave the rest to God.

The overwhelming demand that we are witnessing at food banks around the nation right now gives us some clues about what we can expect as economic conditions get even worse. In Alameda County, vehicles are lining up “as early as seven in the morning” just to get a little bit of food from the local food banks…

“They start lining up as early as seven in the morning and this will run for six straight hours” said Altfest.

Hundreds of cars slowly snake their way through the parking lot across from the Acura dealership on Interstate 880. Folks from all walks of life driving everything from Toyota’s, BMW’s, to Mercedes, all coming to get food. Folks are grateful for the charity.

When I read that quote from a local CBS news report, it struck me that it sounded almost exactly like what Heidi Baker said when she saw people waiting in line to get food…

And I saw all these people and they had beautiful cars, 4 by 4’s and Lexus, Mercedez, BMW’s, Toyotas. There they were with fancy shiny cars, but they were standing in line.

On the east coast we are seeing similar things happen.

In fact, there was a quarter-mile line at the break of dawn at a food bank in Queens on Saturday…

The line stretched a quarter-mile before the sun was barely up Saturday, snaking around corners like bread lines in the 1930s. But the hungry in Queens are today’s New Yorkers, left jobless by the coronavirus.

Until the pandemic struck the city, La Jornada food pantry used to hand out groceries to roughly 1,000 families a week. Now, the figure tops 10,000. And volunteers serve lunch every day to 1,000 — many of them kids with growling stomachs. Across the five boroughs, the hungry number in the hundreds of thousands, the Food Bank of New York estimates.

I found it quite interesting that the New York Post is comparing what is happening now to the “bread lines in the 1930s”.

This is the reality of what we are facing people. So many people are already in desperate need, and this “perfect storm” is just getting started.

In the Richmond, Virginia area things are even worse. According to one recent report, vehicles have been lining up at one food bank “as early as six hours” before it opens…

Every Friday, cars line up as early as six hours before the food bank on Iron Bridge Road opens the drive-thru. At noon, the first 20 cars or so are allowed to park in the parking lot where they wait another three hours. Once 3 p.m. hits, the operation begins with a slew of volunteers working in the warehouse to fill grocery carts with fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, prepared foods and nonperishable items.

Can you imagine sitting in your vehicle for six hours waiting for a food bank to open?

This is how desperate some people in America have already become.

And as I noted at the beginning of this article, the United Nations is using the word “biblical” to describe the famine and starvation that are coming all around the world. The following comes from CNBC…

Famines of “biblical proportions” are becoming a serious risk as the coronavirus crisis threatens to double the number of people nearing starvation, a U.N. body has warned.

In projections released Tuesday, the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) predicted that the number of people facing “acute food insecurity” stood to rise to 265 million by the end of this year, up from 135 million in 2019.

I don’t know about you, but I find that warning to be quite sobering.

In a “worst-case scenario”, the UN projects that “about a tenth of the world’s population won’t have enough to eat this year”…

Initial United Nations forecasts show that in a worst-case scenario, about a tenth of the world’s population won’t have enough to eat this year. The impact will go beyond just hunger as millions more are also likely to experience other forms of food insecurity, including not being able to afford healthy diets, which can lead to malnutrition and obesity.

Sadly, even though we have already seen so many crazy things happen in 2020, most Americans are still not prepping.

And so when things really start to unravel in a major way, most of them are going to be short on food and supplies very rapidly.

The other day I was interviewed by Dr. Steve Greene, and we discussed some of the reasons why the troubles that we have experienced so far are just the tip of the iceberg.

So much more is coming, but most people don’t want to hear that.

Most Americans still want to believe that the future is going to be just wonderful, and so they see absolutely no need to prepare for the chaotic times that are approaching.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #173938
09/01/2020 12:16 PM
09/01/2020 12:16 PM
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There are things happening behind the scenes where things are about to change dramatically. Things imported will get more expensive as the US dollar loses some value. Federal debt should go away, which is good. This and other things will drive short term inflation. Yes, some food may get tough to get but we should be fine unless we descend into civil war. The inflation may turn to deflation as regular banking and financing changes across the world. Harder to finance businesses and gov to spend.

We're kind of entering another Benton Woods agreement on asset backed currencies. I can't tell where gold and silver prices are heading, but holding some should a good idea. Food producing land will be very valuable. Good to have food on hand if trucking and farming affected. Might be a good tome to inventory medical supplies and zombie mitigation equipment.

We should in a brave new world shortly. Probably before the election, if there is an election. At least that's the intelligence I can share.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #173962
09/06/2020 11:18 AM
09/06/2020 11:18 AM
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This summer my wife and I have been learning how to can. Water bath and pressure canning. I did two batches of rhubarb cinnamon jam (1/2 pints) water bath... very easy to do. Did two batches of veggies, carrots in beef broth and chicken soup starter (carrots, celery, onions in chicken broth) with the last one being carrots that were thinned from the garden. 8 pint jars on these batches. Did 4 quarts of older beef from the deep freezer (to make room for new quarter) each with 2.5# raw pack. Just did our final carrot harvest and processed a double batch (stacked two deep in canner) making 11 chicken soup starters and 5 beef broth carrots.

This has been a vitally important prepping experience:
1. Filing pantry shelves with super healthy easy to prepare meals that are going to keep if we loose power.
2. Learning the skill and techniques to use the equipment we have. Too many preppers (im guilty of this) collect equipment/supplies but don’t use then gain the knowledge of how to use them. SHTF has s not the time to be figuring things out on the fly. Stress will be high enough already.
3. Now we better know what supplies and equipment that we should be shopping for and stocking up on
4. We have inspired other people to look into and start doing so. I bought a new pressure canner and started up, while two others resurrected long idle old equipment of their parents or grand parents.

Seems we are a part of a trend. Canning supplies (jars, but especially the done lids) are super hard to find, and high price if you do. Sort of like ammo! Lots of new consumers in the market and previous consumers are buying more... for both ammo and canning supplies. Existing production and supply chains are unable to catch or keep up!

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #173963
09/06/2020 12:28 PM
09/06/2020 12:28 PM
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For years, my family conducted a camping-at-home exercise twice a year, one in the summer and one in the winter. It was easy. Friday afternoon, shut off the electricity, gas, and water.

What do you do with the stuff in the refrigerator and freezer? How do you cook meals? How do you get water for cooking and cleaning? How do you keep warm in the winter?

I'll pretty much guarantee you won't think of everything the first couple times. But after that your skills, and your confidence, will increase dramatically.

Onward and upward,

Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #174000
09/12/2020 01:43 AM
09/12/2020 01:43 AM
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In addition to stocking up on food, you MUST also stock up on plenty of seeds, canning jars and lids. If you don't have a tiller and numerous gardening tools...get them now.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #174001
09/12/2020 04:04 PM
09/12/2020 04:04 PM
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I picked up a bunch of old school quality garden tools on the cheap at a yard sale this summer. Not made in China and made to last. I keep looking for more canning lids, but they are right up there with rifle primers as far as availability.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #174129
09/27/2020 04:03 PM
09/27/2020 04:03 PM
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Store Food NOW!

How to kill an opponent with rice, beans or meat

Written by: Jack Lawson

You place the rice, beans or meat… canned meat preferably… in a heavy nylon cotton blend knit sock dropping it down to the closed end. Then take the open end of the sock and tie a knot in it to keep it from slipping out of your hand. Gripping it in your hand by the knot, let the weighted end dangle, and with a swinging motion aim for your opponent’s head and…

The Food Weapon

No folks… not that kind of weapon. Food… or the lack thereof. Food is a weapon that can destroy people, movements, groups, nations… and those with enough power to control food and use it as a weapon… don’t have to lift a finger, fire one bullet or even engage their enemy.

All they have to do is sit back and wait for your emaciated and starved carcass to start rotting. Then what will come true is what Charles Heston said at an NRA Convention… “You can have my rifle… but you’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands!” That’s what those who use food as a weapon will do… wait until you’re dead and cold. And as an added bonus… they have that fine firearm you were going to defend your lifestyle with.

The vast majority of Preparedness and Survival people I’ve talked to think firearms and ammunition are the overwhelming primary issue of Preparedness. They have tons of ammunition… and firearms safes almost bursting with firearms. Firearms are important, but I put it percentage wise at about 10 percent of the total Preparedness and Survival equation that I lay out in the Civil Defense Manual. You won’t survive without food and water no matter how many firearms… and how much ammunition you have. Let’s concentrate here on food…

“Roger… I read you four by four…”

I know a crackerjack of a radio guy in my area who could communicate with earth orbiting space stations. He’s a great communications man. I could probably pay for a good portion of my house with what he’s invested in radio equipment.

When my Friend Dan D. asked him what he had for firearms, how much ammunition, how much water and food stored… he said very little food or water… but he has a box of 50 rounds of 9mm for his pistol. No holster. No spare magazines. No rifle. No shotgun. But he said… “I have all the communication equipment a group would ever need!” …and he turned his coke bottle lens eyeglasses back to the attention of his radio equipment.

He’ll most likely spend his time on the radio comparing his weight loss and hunger pangs with others starving like him. For as long as he has the energy to talk on the radio, he’ll be sharing stories of starvation and misery, when the proverbial Shite Hits The Fan scenario happens.

The use for firearms moves up the ladder… especially if A Collapse of Society occurs. But the point is… without water and food… you’re screwed. Too many I know have plenty of ordinance, but little food to sustain themselves. Unbalanced. Deadly. Worse than your worse adversary. This type of person has killed themselves before the problems even start.

Like a story my helicopter flight instructor told me about a guy who took off to fly over the Rocky Mountains in an overloaded helicopter for holiday. He crashed and burned, unable to maneuver because of the much higher elevation thin air and his hyper-burdened helicopter. My instructor went on to make his point… “They didn’t die in the mountains… they were dead when they left the airport!”

His point was… the guy didn’t do what’s called ‘weight and balance’ calculations before he started his journey nor did he calculate the change in his flight envelope and how his machine would maneuver poorly in it. So, he really didn’t prepare for his flight… and he killed himself and his family. Horrible way to go into the afterlife with that guilt.

Like the starvation of the Polish People involved in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1942 by the Nazis. The Nazis simply surrounded this area and waited. This starvation led to the Nazis crushing the valiant fighters. While Germans ate abundantly, the Poles across the border died by the thousands from starvation. Like the baby in the horrendous photo above which I hope shocks you into getting off your duff and buying food. Why? Because food is a weapon!
Assist the Globalists in killing you and your family…

Many Preparedness and Survival people are dead before a Catastrophic Event occurs… just like the helicopter pilot in the above story because they rely too heavily on weapons and ammunition.

If you think the term ‘Globalist’ is coming from under my ‘tin foil hat,’ quit reading this. But they’re out there in one form or another, and don’t for one second, think that they can’t control food production in this country. You can defeat them with a CDM Neighborhood Protection PlanTM (NPP) and the information in the Civil Defense Manual.

Alongside the rifle, shotgun, pistol and other direct force and security survival items in the in the Preparedness arsenal… food ranks about on an equal, along with water. Food and Water are two of the most important of the Critical Life Supplies and Services outlined in the book the “Civil Defense Manual.”

Food is a passive-indirect weapon that has been used throughout history to defeat large and superior conventional and guerilla armies by denying food to them… used to kill off entire populations rebellious to a controlling government by denial of it… used to control populations and force surrender through the cordon and ‘siege’ of fortified and segregated areas of those who don’t have it. I’m not talking just Medieval times… recently, many times over the last decades. Think SELCO. Look him up if you’re new to Preparedness.

I’ve seen this in Africa… where the tribe in power, in this case the Communist Frelimo in Mozambique, surrounded rival tribal areas and starved their tribal enemies in to the hereafter. Genocide along tribal lines because of their millennia of hatreds. Why? Because food is a weapon!

The Holodomor

Preceded by the starvation of the Polish inhabitants during the Warsaw Uprising, and that few people are aware of, was the Soviet Union’s cordon off and blockade of the rich, sought-after Ukraine farming area called the Holodomor of 1932-1933. Translated from the Ukrainian Language, Holodomor literally means “Murder by Starvation.”

During this period, the entire area was surrounded and occupied by Soviet troops and police, who in addition to keeping any Ukrainians from leaving the area… forcibly confiscated all food… going door to door ransacking homes to ensure they got it all.

Ripping up gardens in the process and shipping all livestock and feed to other areas of the Soviet Union, controlled by that disgustingly evil subhuman ‘thing’ Joseph Stalin, in his Communist ‘Utopia.’

Within months, millions died. The Soviets purposely left the rebellious Ukrainians with nothing because they wouldn’t submit to Communism. The dead were left laying where they departed this world. In houses, on city streets and fields… where they dropped over dead from starvation and began the rotting process. Other inhabitants were too weak to bury them. Somewhere between 4,000,000 and 12,500,000 people starved to death.

I’m betting on the latter figure of 12,500,000 dead from starvation… because of Leftist denial that this even happened was purposely covered up by the New York Times and other Leftist controlled news media. The Leftists actually gave a scumbag named Walter Duranty the Pulitzer Prize for his role in keeping this from the world’s attention. Failing that, because the truth eventually got out, they began interference with listing the number of dead. That is still going on to this day… as it has been for almost 90 years. Why? Because food is a weapon!

A ‘Good Communist’ will argue these deaths weren’t that bad because these were ‘Kulaks,’ or landowners, who were wanted nothing to do with Communism, so what’s eight and a half million people plus or minus anyway to their way of thinking? Got to get to that Communist Utopia one way or another. Communist equals Liar. Communism is the equal sharing of misery by all… except for the leaders.

The point is: Ukrainians were disarmed first and their inability to defend themselves or to stop what was happening led to their being starved to death. Americans are armed… but most have no food stored. The globalists won’t need the army and police… Americans are preparing themselves for this starvation disaster… as if they’re eagerly participating in the Globalist’s plans.
From zero to 14 days… starvation

The Americans standing in line of the above photo are hungry and unable to buy food. Not because there wasn’t any… but because they had no money to buy it with. Food is being provided to them… thus the quite orderly line… not a riot and fighting between them.

The 1930s. Different now.

Money is not the problem of the past. That’s not the issue. But I would bet despite that, most Americans still don’t have enough food in their household to feed themselves for more than 14 days after grocery stores are empty and food is not available anywhere. Realistically, that’s probably 4 to 7 days more food than most have. Grocery and ‘big box’ stores are full of food. God awful CHEAP. It sits there.

Americans are not disarmed… to the contrary. Hunters alone in America together surpass the largest armies in the world combined. We have the means to defend ourselves against marauding soldiers who want to take our food. But you have to have something to take.

How long could you sustain you and your family on what you have in your house. Oh yeah, I forgot… ‘the grocery store is just down the street.”

I’ll answer that question… the stored food that the average American family has in their homes would leave them starving in two weeks. That’s counting the refrigerated and frozen foods, that after some Catastrophic Events would spoil before it could be consumed or cooked, if the means to cook it was available.

Think no natural or propane gas, no electricity… so, no microwave or stove or oven… and the gas grill tank that you should have filled last week, and should have gotten a couple of spares full, but didn’t have time to… running empty. Just like that gas grill propane tank. You thought about buying and stocking water and Emergency Foods… ‘but didn’t have time.’

Our complex food supply system

In addition to taking clean, drinkable potable water for granted, America’s Normal Civility has become increasingly fragile because of one item on the ‘most necessary list’ of Critical Life Supplies and Services… food. Americans and most Industrialized Nations today have moved almost entirely away from the ‘Garden to Table’ existence of past generations… more than ever before in history.

America and the Industrialized World now rely on a food system that is extremely complex and fragile. A ‘Garden to Table’ existence is how families used to live, like the next diagram shows. Families and local farmers grew much of what was consumed and it was locally processed. In the past, food was widely produced by many people on a low-level technical and localized basis.

Food was fresh and immediately available. The food went literally from ‘the garden to their table’ making most people Self-Dependent regarding food. In addition, food stocks were ‘canned’ and stored to live on as a result of bad growing seasons, difficult financial times and for the off-growing seasons. During hard times one winter, our family of eleven ate all our meals from these reserves. My Mother had enough stored food to feed a small army.

America and the Industrialized World’s present food supply system is, for the most part, a result of the past and continuing ‘Age of Abundance’ and our comfortable lifestyle. One benefit of this is that it has allowed us the luxury to eat cuisine from all over the world. This extravagance occurs right at our dinner table, wherever people live in America and most of the world… after only a simple trip to the store.

Unfortunately, as a side effect, food is less fresh, is adulterated with chemicals and has far from the nutritional content it used to have. Experiment by buying some ‘farmer’s market home grown organic tomatoes’…and then compare the taste of these home-grown tomatoes to those from the store.

Midwesterners ate copious amounts of pork, chicken and beef… rarely seafood… but seafood was the abundant principal food type for coastal people, and they ate less pork, chicken and beef.

Regardless of this luxury… the growing and processing of almost ALL food items is now dependent, not only on transportation and proper storage… but each item is dependent upon processing, packaging, chemicals, and preservatives. These items are usually produced hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles away from the processing facilities. Without the ability to transport these processing items… the food production line comes to a standstill.

If you live next door to a chicken farmer, hog farmer, or cattle feeder… the chicken, pork or beef from these producers that you put on your table will most likely have made a meandering trip of thousands of miles to get back to your dinner table after weeks of processing, storage, and transportation.

This, even though the farmer you live next to could have thrown it over the fence to you.

It is necessary that food in this system be processed with chemicals and treated with preservatives because of this time-intensive delay through remote and centralized processing, storage, and transportation systems. Ahhh! America and the Industrialized world!

Each item you put on your table endures weeks of transportation. To processing facilities, through processing, transportation to storage and distribution warehouses… then is distributed by truck to your grocery store. An average 1400-mile trip to get to your table.
A note here… most Third World Countries still provide food for themselves as we did in our past and will not greatly be affected by most Catastrophic Events.

This movement away from the ‘Garden to Table’ existence is compounded further by our reliance on electricity and an electronic digital infrastructure that virtually controls every facet of our food production line, yet is susceptible to interruption and in some cases even protracted disruption or destruction.

Even though people eat foods now that in the past would have been a great delicacy and food is readily available… few people now stockpile food reserves as in the past. People live a ‘hand to mouth’ existence now because the grocery store is… ‘just down the street.’

This electrical and electronic digital infrastructure system is the caretaker of virtually everything we use or consume today… but most critically our food supply. The growing, processing, storage and distribution of it. It is also the caretaker of another critical element of food production… the water supply. Read the Chapter “Emanuelson on preparing for an EMP attack or a Solar Storm” in the Civil Defense Manual and you will see the fragile state of our existence and how we could go back to ‘the Stone Age’ by these Catastrophic Events.
The 1973 toilet paper panic buying

Through numerous people I communicate with in the know… the food production and distribution systems are already strained. This comes from months ago panic buying and the pandemic affecting everything from raw food production, on through to transportation and getting it onto the shelves of stores. Covid-19. Simple working people shortages and new and time consuming Covid-19 restrictions and rules manufacturers have to work by.

Behind the stocked shelves of the stores… the American supply system is creaking. You can’t hear it… you can’t see it… you can’t smell it… you can’t taste it… you can’t feel it… but it is strained. Partly from panic buying 4 and 5 months ago… and partly from Covid-19 procedures and ‘sick people’ that have hindered production of normal supplies.

For an understanding of an anomaly that occurs with the supply chain for food and everything else you buy, I give this example. The 1973 toilet paper panic buying. For the necessity to use toilet paper… food has to go in the other end first. But forget about that. This is about that as an example of the stress that can occur to the American supply system.

The 1973 toilet paper shortage all started as a joke on the Johnny Carson Show. There was no shortage, but that joke set in motion a chain of events that became real. At the beginning of the Coronavirus… the same thing happened again… all because of a report that there was no toilet paper in Hawaii.

But the point is… an issue of a shortage in anything produced is that it takes months for production to provide sufficient supply. No matter how hard they work, how many shifts they run, how committed they are to production increase.

In 1973, this shortage of one non-life-critical item, taken for granted, took months to catch up production and delivery to the point normal supplies were again available. Demand just overwhelms production and transportation capability.
Shortages take months to catch up. In the case of food, by the time production catches up with demand, if there is a production effort … many will be dead.
What’s around you… and alternatives…

Learn what edibles are around you in the wild. For one, a person can just about survive off the Hickory tree… aka Pecan tree. The roots of this tree also have abundant amounts of salt when processed correctly. To identify the Hickory, go to and search ‘13 steps in identifying the Hickory Tree.’

Do this now-now and locate Hickory and Pecan trees close to your CDM Neighborhood Protection Plan™ for salt, food and a source of wood for tool handles, weapons… and fire, if necessary. NPP Group Members should process the salt from a Hickory tree’s roots before a Catastrophic Event occurs so it’s not a last-minute learning experience.
Get to know your area farmers and gardeners!

Learn to fish. Learn to hunt. Buy a book and learn to gather wild edibles where you live… but more than anything… I was surprised with what is in the desert that I could survive on.

Look at some of the old methods for food sources, processing and storage… websites like and especially Claude Davis’s book “The Lost Ways” at

Find other ways of cooking… imagining your wonder custom-built kitchen has no electricity and is being used as additional bedroom space for the family members seeking refuge with you. For cooking stoves, go to… or for Solar to…

Buy a few stainless steel and cast iron cooking pots. Something that won’t melt over an open fire.

Buy ‘the all you need to survive on’ Native American food source… pemmican at or learn to make it in the

I am a believer in fuel availability, after a Prolonged Crisis, being extremely plentiful. Read the Chapter “Alternative power” for my reasoning. What fuel or source do you use for your NPP cooking when it is a Grid Down Situation?

The perfect answer is the ‘H45 U.S. Army Tent Stove,’ at least for a few years until you establish fully sustainable prolonged use cooking and heating sources.

American soldiers loved this little wonder… and no wonder why. Consider soldiering in subzero temperatures where the shelter you’re in is almost like being outside. It keeps no heat in but only the wind out. Then along came the M45 stove. Ahhhh!

This stove burns about every kind of fossil petroleum fuel made and listed by the Draft International Standard (DIS)…

…diesel (DF) DF#1, DF#2, DF#4, DMB Marine Diesel Oil and DMA, DMZ grades of Marine Gas Oil, #1 furnace fuel oil, gasoline as well as paraffin based JP4, JP5 and JP8 jet fuels.

No electricity is required, and it will crank out 45,000 BTUs for heating and cooking. You can buy these on the internet new and used from $100 to about $400 excluding shipping, which can be expensive.

But in the long run, these stoves are worth every penny spent on them. See the Chapter “Alternative power” for more information on cooking fuel sources. Get one at
Go to… she’s forgotten more than most people know about food growing, preparation and storage.
…freaking buy food NOW… it’s cheap.

Buy food NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW!

I’m putting my tin foil hat back on. I believe that the same people provoking unrest and intent on twisting the election results by fraud of mail-in votes, intend to create a man-made famine Catastrophic Event at some point whether they win or not. My logic… Citizens are armed to the teeth in America… and they’re failing in their attempt to disarm us. America is the last obstacle to these people gaining control over everyone on this planet.

They will do something. Start another war, create an EMP event, or maybe just simple starvation of their opposition. This is exactly the path taken in the Ukraine. Americans can be defeated by Globalist forces that control food if they’re unprepared. If you think that is ‘tin foil hat’ paranoia… you can think long term about my ‘tin foil hat’ statement while you’re starving… and I’m eating.

I am not LDS or Mormon, but I stumbled on to them in Utah… and their “Bishop’s Storehouse.” Impressive to say the least. The LDS store just about everything in number #10 cans, which last for 30 years when it’s not knocked around and kept at normal room temperature but above freezing. Rice, beans, sugar… they have the whole kit-and-caboodle.

Proteins and carbohydrates. Some of the storehouses will help non-LDS members process and ‘can’ your own foods for storage. The LDS advise how to can and pack… and you do the work. I obtained a large amount of my Emergency Foods from them. Generally, pretty nice people too! I have food for my family and the members of my CDM Neighborhood Protection PlanTM that will keep us fed for over a year… maybe longer.

Mostly for cooking, I keep four gallons of rice bran oil on hand at all times. A heart surgeon friend turned me on to this as it’s made from rice kernel hulls and is chock-full of anti-oxidants. Loaded! We cook with rice oil and prefer the taste of it over olive oil. I drink a shot glass of this and even give my dogs a snort of it every day. It has a longer shelf life in its plastic container and is full of anti-oxidants. From…
Use our free food and water calculator to calculate out what you have in your home for food now… then however much you have… go out and buy more.
We’re experiencing issues on a level in America that we have never before seen…

Fake fraudulent and fabricated lies and daily omission of the truth has become news,
The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ and Individual Rights violations on a huge scale by government officials eager to enforce draconian laws,
Mass rioting
An ongoing attempt at election fraud by ‘Americans’ who hate this country,
An enormous effort to disarm Americans
American corporations donating massive amounts of money to anti-American organizations,
The inability to have a civil discussion of politics or ideology without it turning to violence even in families,
White people actively advocating the genocide of their own race and acting as the majority race members of a ‘Black Lives Matter’ organization,
The militant wing of the Communists ANTIFA becoming more and more violent,

Did I cover them all? …what’s next?

Don’t be a willing participant in you, your family and neighbor’s deaths.

Don’t be a willing participant of Globalist plans.

If you want to keep this country’s Constitution and Individual Liberties, freaking buy food NOW… it’s cheap.
Buy extra for people you know can’t afford to.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #175387
02/16/2021 12:39 PM
02/16/2021 12:39 PM
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The Mrs and I were out at the grocery store and they had a huge pile of “pork butt” on clearance that had to be “used or frozen” within 3 days. $0.79/#! At that price is was worth experimenting. Our efforts to pressure (raw pack) can roast beef turned out a mouth watering end product that EVERYONE in the house raves about, from low quality “arm roast” that is not normally popular with my family.

We trimmed most of the fat, ended up with 12.5# of cubed up pork. Brine soaked it with some liquid smoke added for an hour, drained, filled 5 quarts with some garlic and salt added. After 90 minutes at 15# pressure we now have ready to heat up flake apart “pulled pork” and an amazing broth that will do wonders to flavor a rice dish! All that for $11.

Our canning efforts have ALL been hugely successful and is encouraging us to triple our efforts this next season.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #175391
02/16/2021 04:03 PM
02/16/2021 04:03 PM
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I once toyed with the idea of starting a thread on canning, but there are so many resources in books and on the internet that it seemed useless. Glad you guys are finding some of those!

Is anyone else finding canning lids hard to get? The local stores where I usually get them are either sold out, or selling them in very limited quantities. Apparently a lot of other people are taking up gardening and preserving food lately.

Onward and upward,

Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #175392
02/16/2021 04:28 PM
02/16/2021 04:28 PM
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Yes... still hard to find in stores. Online my wife purchased a 72 count bulk box of some off brand named lid at a good bulk price. We just had to get creative on where we looked. Still not available in local grocery, hardware, craft stores where the cans themselves are slowly coming back in stock. It’s a lot of work on the front end (canning) but makes for insanely good quick no fuss meals on the back end.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Buy Lots Of Food [Re: ConSigCor] #175443
02/22/2021 10:35 PM
02/22/2021 10:35 PM
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Tried the first quart of pork... beyond amazing! Pulled pork sandwiches like I’ve never had before. Yes, the next time they have that on clearance we are buying more!

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)

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