You guys might not have seen me for a while because I've been doing exactly that: prepping. I lost my job back in February, but my wife works, and I collect unemployment (forced vacation, mass layoffs at the company I worked for).

Instead of replying to lots of things, I've been stocking and training, gathering and getting ready.

Hopefully others have done the same.

I read a lot, and have downloaded almost 1000 .pdfs on numerous subjects, and have printed zilch, which is next on my list: a home library, home made.

We're also moving further from the ( 'city' (if you'd call it that) in less than a month. I've volunteered my time with habitat for humanity to get skills in building things, and have always been right with the universe (take no offense, because none is directed), seeming as I'm still alive at this point, having gone through many paradigm shifts within my life.

Still, it is not enough. I always crave more information, and more ways of doing things, and I'm always open to what others have to say about these things.

Prepping should NOT be a hobby, but a lifestyle.

"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and the lies of their culture - will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses" - Plato