Well the article presents the OODA as if thats a defense side only issue. As you pointed out the OODA is gonna effect both sides equally, so for the intial assumption of "disease" the OODA loop which effects & hinders the defense. The SOP of a planned defense "cures" the intial on set of the "disease."

After that its action & reaction; the BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guys) can go to his Snipe & Seige method expecting his plan of action to be successful & find my SOP counters or stalls the attempt. The straw man arguement that this will have that result is "cured" by the fact that (as you pointed out); no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

As I stated the artcile/essay is written from the stand point that people lack to knowledge/experience to prepare for such. More so, to be honest as a defender I have the advantage of being able to prepare a head of time. Any aspect of physical security which is prepared, pre-planned and rehearsed into an automatic action will a) minimize the time required for the OODA loop & b) force the attacking party to adjust tactics thus causing them to have to go through the OODA loop themselves. Its no different then going through Battle Drills for infrantry tactics.

1. Observing or noticing the attack.
Ok, thats gonna happen basicly the same way. Ooh the BBEG are attacking...

2. Orient to the direction, method and type of attack.
Not required for the group as a whole or even leadership personnel; because everyone has been taught their "battle drills" & know their place in the group collective of 360 security. Maximizes teamwork & allows the group to function as whole because everyone has his/her specific task at the initial on set of contact.

3. Deciding what the appropriate response will be.
Again not a heavily required burden because everyone understands the "battle drills." And the SOP, since everyone knows the defensive response there isn't allot to think about, just a pre-conditioned response, aagin cutting down reaction time

4. Acting on that decision.
What action on decision? Adjustments can be made as necessary but a the conditioned drills allow everyone to function by already a) knows what to do, b) how to do it & c) why they are doing.

Four years of Army infantry & have had react to contact drilled into to the point I don't think I react. Twenty some years of martial arts has conditioned me to react before I think. A well planned and practiced SOP will be the same way, reaction without thought and it will cut down on reaction time.

You'll notice in each case the SOP came first and adjustments came after. Why? Because 1) SOP established 360 degrees of interlocking fire (an aspect of the fighting positions), 2) SOP established a "weakness" which draws in the attacking force into a prepared "kill zone," 3) SOP allows each combantane member to concentrate on a smaller area as a "sector of fire" & conserve energy in reaction maximizing cover & concealment and finally 4) SOP removes the confusion of how to react because there is an established and practiced reaction.

All that cuts the OODA loop to simply Observing the Attack & Acting on that Preplanned & Praciced Decision. If said other adjustments need to be made that comes through the chain of command, group leadership or whatever you choose to use.