John Galt, besides being a financial annalist, took some time to study the Continuity Of Government plans currently in place. He is also a student of past takeovers by tyrannical governments.
So John Galt is a student of past takeovers by Tyrannical Governments. In that case what I want to know is which Tyrannical Governments did he study? And in what year did the events he studied happen?

Also did any of the incidents he studied happen in a country where 30% of the people not only owned a Firearm but who owned enough Firearms to supply 83% of the Citizens with them. And where a large percentage of those Gun Owners owned Military Type Firearms, which were in most every way as good as the Firearms that were owned by the Government.


Go back and re read the story. Note what 99% of the people did when faced with a reality check. When they could not access their bank accounts, their cash became worthless and they lost their jobs, they panicked. Very, very few were prepared to deal with a situation where there was no electricity, no food, no fuel etc.

What did they do??? What people always do...they kissed the governments ass and did what they were told. They went along just to get along; many turning into snitchs just to obtain a few brownie points with big brother or to obtain a few extra food stamps.
Just because Citizens of a Foreign Country at some time in the past Kissed Government Ass just to get some food etc, does not mean that American Citizens living in the beginning of the Second Decade of the 21st Century will do the same.

I believe that instead of kissing ass Americans will instead Fight and if necessary will take what they need by force.

If this John Galt is using what some unarmed Citizens of some Governments in the past did when they were faced with an Economic Meltdown, to suggest and as evidence that Americans who are the most Heavily Armed Citizens of any Country, will do the same, then he is a fool.

Now you stated “Note what 99% of the people did when faced with a reality check.”

Just for the purpose of this discussion lets take that 99% as the truth and a fact.

If 99% of the people did kiss the Government's ass, that would leave 1% who did not and who would most likely be the Resistance to the Government's plans.

1% of 300 Million is 3 Million and if the percentage of the Gun Owners who will resist is also 1% that will mean among the 3 Million totally ticked off Citizens will be 900 Thousand totally ticked off heavily armed Gun Owners.

Now regardless of the Military doing all that is in it's power to crush the Resistance there is no escaping the Fact that 900 Thousand Freedom Fighters is a lot more fighting Men then 180,000 United States Military Combat Troops.

And this is the Truth: 900,000 Freedom Fighters who are not stupid and are willing to do whatever is necessary in order to win, can make one hell of a mess and I believe they will be able to Win. And even if they don't eventually win they can effectively totally destroy what is left of this Country so that even Obama will not want what is left.

Like what once was said, Better Dead Then Red. Some Patriots will say It Is Better To Destroy Everything Then To Let The Enemy Have The Smallest Part Of It.

This is all I have to post on this subject in this topic.

I will be posting a Topic on the Issue of Freedom Fighters Vs the Forces of the Government, both Military and Civilian Law Enforcement Officers in the near future.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)