That was one good fictional possible senerio. I enjoyed the read. There were times during the reading where all i could think to say out load was "Damn" excellent post CSC.

Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Sniper you place way to much faith in your fellow amerikan man.

I place exactly NONE, NADA, ZERO.

If we actually have 1% of amerikans who "will stand and fight to fix it"...

Where the hell have they been while the past several administrations have been raping their unalienable rights and their ability to make a living and their children's future???

I'll tell you; they were doing not a damn thing except maybe bitching to their drinking buddies.
I have to agree with you on this one Sir. Only about 1% will fight. You can see it every time some one post about taking back the country or stopping the madness. always more patriots saying how we can't win rather then coming up with ideas on how to suceed. Too many whinning about their little part of the world, They should remember one man can't stand alone. Freedom isn't free goes the old saying. Too many would rather someone else pay for their freedom.


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf