Watch this video - Los Angeles County Urban SAR Task Force 1 personnel and Haitians chanting USA!USA! when they pull a survivor out.

I think I recognize some of the medics and docs (the guys in the blue helmets), people I've helped train. Almost as good as being there.

And France is already blaming the US for invading Haiti (and the french can go fuck a donut, for all I care about their opinion), I wonder what they will say about Israel?,7340,L-3836254,00.html

The only surgical team there - experience in austere medicine really pays off. They also aren't scared by a little security threat, like the Belgians and UN.

While I think Sanjay Gupta is pretty much a tool on CNN, when the chips are down he does a damned good job as a physician - he should get a Nobel Peace Prize (except he actually deserves it).

More good work by Gupta: One patient, a 12-year-old Haitian girl, even managed to receive brain surgery aboard, carried out by American neurosurgeon and CNN medical correspondent, Sanjay Gupta, who was in Port-au-Prince to report on the humanitarian catastrophe.

The girl was injured in last week's 7.0 earthquake, and was diagnosed as having a 1.2-centimeter chunk of concrete embedded in her skull.

"The surgery went well," Gupta said afterward.

Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time.

"Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander."

I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy smile