As an observation from living thru Katrina, most folks will not be heading for the woods. They will hunker down and try to make it at their home. If not at home they will try to get there, unless home is destroyed.

The only camping most folks will do, the first month or two of a bad situation, will be on the land they own. If in the summer the tent will be under some heavy shade. They may stay in their modern home during the winter, to at least be out of the cold wind.

No water, no power, very little gas, no local TV, very little local radio makes for some serious soul searching. Unless you are running from somebody or trying to get away from a heavy populated area, running to the hills might not be the best thing to do.

Unless you have tons of money, the time to learn new skills, and the time and resources for checking out the trustworthiness of all of your new networking buddies, surviving in the local area you are familiar with may be the correct thing to do.