The information there is good but Mike is a douche-bag.

He has been badmouthing Hutaree since day 1 and has lightened his BS against them only cuz the case is rapidly falling apart making him look like a back-stabbing bastard.

"Mike III" comments regarding Hutaree have been "moronic Hutaree" and "assholes" among other things.

If that is the "3%" that will fight then we are screwed.

All their talk on sipsy street about resisting is just that. Talk. He can go lick the hand that feeds him. POS!

WTF do those sheep think will be said when there is a real war going on when they are not smart enough to see through it now?

Total Resistance - not believing the BS against Hutaree, Randy Weaver, Koresh, Kahl, Beck, Woodring, Havoc, Bladerunner etc since Day F'ing one!!!!

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon