Don't need to go into all the different bad things headed for this country that we all say we love.

So I ask you, the individuals and groups out there.Thoughs that got that gut feeling.

If you are a true patriot, train hard for all things like you never trained before.

From this point on, train as though the shtf has alrealy happened.

Teach all your family and others how to shoot/scoot.

Please don't procrastinate.

Put up your [food/medical/extra gear] caches.

Tighen up all loose ends.

If your coinence is nagging at you to start doing something that can make life easier for you and yours when shtf. Do it.

The reason I ask this favor. There are alot of people out there who will need your help when the time comes.

I don't know about the rest of you on this board, but I've come across alot of so called patriots.You know the type.

The ones that like to sit back and talk about the bad things happening to the counry, and don't do a dam thing to provide for themselves or there families.

If you claim to be a patriot. When the time comes and thoughs around you.
Come to you the patriot for help and you didn't do the neccessary things in advance.

You've done thing more then delt a death blow to youself your family and your friends.
