I certainly wish you the best Airforce.
I'm also in the process of quiting smoking. Down to mostly smoking a pipe when I have to,(and it smells better too).

There's a couple of things you might try just in the case you think you have to have a cigarette sometime...

Roll a piece of regular news paper the same size and shape as a cig,(be sure to roll it semi-tightly so that you don't just start a fire in your face), "if" you are going to light anything, imagine that's a smoke, don't have to look at it too much, just convince yourself that's a smoke. Put that in your mouth, light it just like you normally would. It's going to taste like shear crap, and you may even slightly burn your lips if you drag too fast on it while lighting it up. But that's only going to reinforce the urges to quit all the more.
The human mind tends to remember the pain and discomfort long after any pleasures that something like smoking brings.
(No, this is not a joke and I know of many people that have used this to aid in quitting smoking).

Another thing that you might try, is real Licorice Root. Just get a couple of pieces of this about the same size and shape as a ciggarette. "if" you have to have a smoke, just suck on a piece of this root like a smoke instead. If you are around anyone that might be smoking and you have been tasting licorice root, ciggarette smoke tastes and smells twice as bad as ever.
This also helps to reinforce the mental attitude to quit smoking all the more.
Black Licorice Candy also works, but the effects aren't quite as strong because the candy isn't as pure as the real licorice root. (The sugar in the candy doesn't help other than to make the licorice taste a little better and reduce the licorice effects).
{There is a caution to using Licorice Root to aid in quiting smoking for anyone that might be troubled with high blood pressure. Licorice Root can further elevate this problem in varying degrees as the more pure licorice that is used and the more often it's consumed. The effects of licorice root in causeing higher blood pressures aren't lasting and will eventually subside once the root is no longer used.}

There is also a breathing exersize that helps in changing the 'habit' of smoking... whenever you might feel the desire to light up, instead, take 5 to 10 slow and very deep breaths in succession. This will tend to make you feel slightly lightheaded with the oxygen rush. But that is the desired goal. If you remember when you first started to smoke, taking a few drags on a ciggarette made you feel lightheaded too. Some people maybe even felt a little sick to their stomaches.
The habitual craving for a smoke is actually the body telling you that it needs more oxygen and/or that your body is beginning to build up a bit too much CO2,(which is over time been physically and mentally replaced by inhaling smoke intead).
Inhaling oxygen is good, smoke is not so good. Doing this exersize helps with the physical and the mental addiction that smoking has brought on.

I've heard that puting a very small drop of pure cinnimon extract on your tongue instead of lighting a ciggarette helps too.
Ok, I do know that pure cinnimon extract will tend to burn like a very hot pepper will, but you most likely won't be thinking much about smoking anything after using it. At least it tastes and smells better than ciggarette smoke... once that burning dies down some.
Pure Mint Extract works also, but slightly differenty. Pure Mint tends to numb your tongue/mouth instead of burning and it can be just as overpowering a taste. But it's better than tasting smoke and it freshens your breath like few other things can.

I hope this helps and I'll be praying that you succeed in quiting. God's Speed to you.


"Argue for your limitations, and in the end, when all is said and done, they're your's!"

"Sheeple & Shepherds, pick one! You can't be both no matter how you dress."

The higher ya go... the higher ya can get! Mountain Men Rock!