Airforce, I layed mine down cold turkey last March 2, 2009 after the heart attack. Eight days in the hospital where I went from 235 to 197 in the eight days I was in there.

I do NOT say I have quit. I just tell folks that ask I have just gone another day without them. They are worse than giving up booze.

With the average cost of a pack here in Tn being almost $5.00 a pack, I am saving $10 a day! That money I am using to buy even more ammo and toys that will be needed shortly the way things are going.

Instead of all the candy, try toothpicks you have soaked in Cinammon or chew a plastic straw. Won't completely kill the urge, but they will not ballon your weight up.

Will be praying for your success in this. If you need to talk about it you have my number.