Great Job Airforce! The first 72hrs is truely the hardest, keep going Brother.

Just remember that the Trials and Troubles don't end as long as you live, they merely change. But this is what makes you stronger and wiser.
(The real tough part about this is that there just isn't any easy, or other good way, to become stronger or wiser.)
This will pass, ya just have to go through it.

Not to worry about the mental confusion that you might notice from time to time. This is just the brain re-adapting through the addiction of smoking. The body is going through a form of withdrawls and the brain is sort of 're-routing' many conflicting signals it's getting. This is another reason that many people seem 'cranky' when they quit smoking. This will pass too. You will notice in time, as your brain gets used to getting more oxygen, that you can actually think and reason more clear. Just don't stress about anything that you don't seem to think clearly on. That will help alone.

Just make sure that you drink plenty of juices, water, soups, and the like. This will help you flush and replentish your body,(cranberry juice is especially good for this). One of the side effects of smoking is that it thickens a person's blood. By drinking plenty of fluids, speeds the withdrawls process along. Also by retraining your body to breath normally without smoking becomes important at this time. Following the above breathing exersize does help. Be sure to get plenty of rest too.
Eating some banannas at this time may also help a bit. There's a chemical in banannas that is very similar to the fluid that in found in your brain,(one of the reasons it's called "Brain Food"). This will help refresh the electrolites in your brain, so to speak.

If there's anything I can do to help, just say the word.


"An American Militiaman's First Job is to be an Asset and Not a Liability in any way!"

"Argue for your limitations, and in the end, when all is said and done, they're your's!"

"Sheeple & Shepherds, pick one! You can't be both no matter how you dress."

The higher ya go... the higher ya can get! Mountain Men Rock!