Dependent upon what your location is like there is also another way to go. Wind power.
While they usually tell about the big jobs you can make a wind power generator for a lot less.
If you can get your hands on a delco alternator you are ready.
Remove the diodes from the alternator and connect a piece of copper wire to transmitte the A/C generated by the alternator to your storage location. Wire the diodes back into the circuit.
Why you ask? A/C travels further without a loss that the DC out of the diodes would have on smaller wire and thus easier to hide.
You can make you a propeller system out of PVC pipe cut in angles and attached to a ring that will attach to the Shaft of the Alternator. Many sites have this.
If you have another alternator make a jig to mount it to the rear of a small bile and peddle the batteries charged when the wind is down and the sun is down also..
Another way is if you have flowing water you can make a water wheel to run the alternator.
The key to all of these are the Batteries though and the regulator.
The best batteries are commercial Golf cart, warehouse equipment (Fork lifts,ect), and marine batteries. They have the largest storage ability for their size. Remember though that batteries need a good ventilation system or your clothes will start to fall off your body.