A little of everything. Especially the stuff that packs a punch. peanut butter, beans and rice. And get used to eating it. Make bean and pea soup once in a while. Learn to make your own tortilas using flour water and yes Lard! If your apartment has a hot water heater that is 40-80 gallons of water stored. Really think you are going to be able to hold up in an apartment for a year? Were talking 3 months at most. What about a place a ways out of town for cheap. Put up a shed. store water there. plan to garden. If SHTF dont think all you need is shit. If someone knows or invades they are gonna take all you got and throw you out in the streets. The hobo is already going to be better off than the man in his apartment waiting for better days.

You can only prepare to stay there till it is safe to move. Where are you gonna move to? Got family somewhere with land where it would be mutually beneficial for you to go there and give and take? Know how to swing an axe or catch a fish? If you can do one or the other I know of a few places that would welcome you and you will be taught the rest. Even if you can fix a car or a tractor.

Be prepared for a week to a month in the apartment...