Originally posted by Greywolf:
one better knowing how to make whiskey or wine, beer will be a nice income for older workers who will not get back into the market with todays economy.
I completely agree here. This knowledge serves many purposes beyond merely 'drinking stock'. Knowing how to make your own alcohol is also critical in making an alternative fuel source in cases of emergency.

Also, during the 'Great Depression' prior to WWII, the mfg'ing, sales, and consuption of 'Booze' more than doubled in this Country. Even to the point that it was called "Faith in a Bottle" or "Demon Liquor" as when people couldn't afford to eat, they could still find the funds to drink because it numbed them from some of the problems in their lives... for a short time.


Do a brief study on the WWII Resistance in the Philippines, this will help to illustrate the importance of "make-shift supplies and epuipment". Alcohol mfg'ing being a primary source for many things.



http://running_on_alcohol.tripod.com/ (This can also be built with portable materials for 'drinking alcohol', the mfg'ing of some types of weapons, AND run vehicles too.)
Spoiled wine and beer can be 'redistilled' into fuel products so there is no wasting of any supplies.


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