I haven't posted on here much in the past year or so, but I had to post about this. I'm reading a book that is the most profound, not to mention challenging, book I've ever read aside from the Bible. It's titled "Surviving Off Off-Grid", subtitled "Decolonizing the Industrial Mind" by Michael Bunker.

This is NOT another how-to survival manual; this is the book every survivalist will wish s/he could have read before getting into it. As one reviewer put it, "So profound there may not be a large market for it. A thinker's book."

In short, rather than being a how-to book, this is a how-to-think book. Rather than telling the reader to buy these things and do these other things to be safe from a societal collapse, the author shines a harsh light on where society went wrong and why, and then offers ideas to encourage readers to make the journey back to right thinking and right living.

Rather than having me blather on about it, here is a link to the customer reviews on Amazon. This book is so profound, it's worth a discussion topic all its own. If you've read it, please post your thoughts about it here.
