Never talk to any news media. I'll bet this man wishes he never did.


..."Just days after appearing on the National Geographic TV Show Doomsday Prepper, a prepper from Tennessee has been declared Mentally Defective and his guns have been seized by the government. The Prepper, David Sarti is a character to say the least, but his story is somewhat disturbing and should be a wake up call for everyone.

Personally I think these shows are designed to make these people look crazy. Whether his appearance on the show played into Mr. Sarti’s diagnosis isn’t yet clear, but apparently the State believed he was a danger to himself after a local doctor insisted that Mr. Sarti was suicidal.

Mr. Sarti denies the charges and insists that he told the doctor he was a Christian and his belief made it impossible for him to commit suicide.
Here is his story:

No more Prepping for Me

Uploaded by dsarti1 on Feb 9, 2012

The State of Tennessee and a Cardiologist have ended the need for me to prep.

To a person of my political beliefs this might as well be a life in prison sentence. I can now no longer work with the schools or target practice with my guns (one of the few sports I could still do) Therefore
Prepping for me has come to a end, as everyone knows there is no since putting up food and other things without a means to defend them. I CAN NOT AFFORD an attorney and the only person who can expunge the record wont (the Governor of Tennessee) I do not know when or if I will be able to return at this time. For the record the doctor/ prick who raped me is Andre C. Olivier, M.D.

For those who wish to contribute to any legal defense fund:

For some reason the NRA attorney has refused my case I am looking for another.

David Sarti
Lebanon TN


David Sarti now officially placed on ILLEGAL UnConstitutional FBI's "No Gun Buy" List!

That said, while Dave was initially dissuaded by all the enormous overwhelming statist attacks, ALL of R3VOL and Prepper community love got him through this obstacle, and now he has decided that with some help, he WILL pursue legal action either via GOA, or NRA atty. whom initially said yes, then no, now maybe.

I Loves My Peeps!


Here are FULL 45min single file YouTube vids of National Geographic's DoomsDay Preppers episodes:

2011 show pilot: IMHO? The SC families are the most well prepared, as they're LIVING it as a daily lifestyle.

Ep1. The Texan Vietnam vet's crew seem excellently prepared

Ep2. Dave Sarti featured here, first seen at 2min mark:


David Sarti was interviewed on the Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, today. Here's the PrisonPlanet.TV Feed:


Sarti will be back on AJ's show sometime this week, so stay tuned..."

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper