The vast majority of the time the shooter in incidents like this takes his own life, but waits until there is some form of resistance to do it. I guess to them, that's their cue for suicide. Sometimes it is the SWAT team finally arriving and entering the building, other times it is a citizen with a CCW permit. I remember there was one incident where a citizen shot the shooter once in the leg; NOT a mortal wound. The shooter immediately shot himself in the head.

The difference here is that the shooter did NOT take his own life, AND he was wearing body armor. This shows us that he intended on surviving.

The fact that his apartment was rigged with explosives, plus his affiliation with the Black Bloc of the Occupy Wall Street movement suggest that this is yet another OWS act of terrorism. However, it is NOT the first; remember they tried to blow up a bridge a couple months ago.

Keep in your vehicle both body armor and rifle. Keep on your side a high capacity pistol and spare magazines. Stay out of places that ban firearms. They don't deserve your business anyway. Discuss this with your wife before hand that way she doesn't drag you into one of those places.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.