7) Always have a charged cell phone. In the few instances where the police/ SWAT are coming in as the genuine good guys you need to give them as much information as possible. Militia people should be able to give much better information than the average sheep. How many, what are they doing, how are they dressed, are they together, where are they located, what kind of weapons, etc.

If you kill an active shooter after making sure he is down and does not have any more friends you should be getting on the phone to let the cops know an armed good guy is there because the cops will shoot anyone holding a weapon when they come in. I think you will be farther ahead by calling in and saying you are an undercover policeman than a concerned citizen who stopped a massacre. Will it get you in trouble later? Maybe, but they will be more careful upon entering knowing there is a plainclothes cop there than a citizen defending himself. That is of course if dispatch gives the information to them. Be sure to tell them what YOU are wearing and repeat it and tell them to pass it to the cops coming in, "undercover cop wearing _____, undercover cop wearing _______ "

This also allows you to get your story out there first for self defense. Like it or not shooting Hitler in a mall on a shooting spree will still make you a bad guy for owning an evil gun. "There is a man murdering people and he tried to kill me and I defended myself." Stress will probably jumble this up a bit so this should be part of your CCW training so it is automatic. If you don't practice you might get on the phone and say "I just shot this mother F'ing (insert racial slur)" which will play really well on NBC without them having to alter it like they did with Zimmerman.

A phone charger in your EDC bag might be a good idea to keep it topped off.

8) Find some good cover after you shoot. If you stand over your victory you will probably be shot by the first excited cop walking in. If it isn't safe to holster (and how would you know it is) the next best option would be to get your back against a wall or corner to allow you to observe only 180 degrees or less instead of a constant 360 degress. Move the weapon to a SUL position or hidden under your arm so it is not the first thing cops see when they see you. Make sure you are vocal and point out you are the good guy immediately but expect to be treated like a criminal at first anyways.

9) If you can't engage and are trying to flee the area do not move with the masses who will either trample you or push you into a place you don't want to go. Move to the outer walls and follow them. People will move to the center and bunch up.

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon