Your on the right path there Airforce, as the healthcare system continues to spiral downward, having to sit for hours in the emergency room because no doctors are taking new medicade patients for some little things that could be remedied naturally, not be able to afford the high cost of commercial medication, or even for patriots with limited medical supplies for common ailments. Learning how to heal yourself is a very valuable skill indeed.

We do much the same here, I'm even controlling my pre-hypertension blood pressure naturally by changing my diet a little ,drinking up to two-gallons of water a day along with some minerals and herbs added to it, chewing up to half a clove of raw garlic a day and having to give up coffee for awhile in lue of (gag ) de-caffinated green tea.
Know what, it's working !

Keep up the good work.

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.