There were people and situations where a three day supply would bet taken up just in travel time.

There were people who ran into problems of "too much stuff" and "not enough stuff". That goes both ways and sometimes withe same gear.

Travel light fight heavy:

You need forward supply and cache in order to avoid having to travel heavy. Oathkeepers did apparently get in fairly quickly and set up an administrative supply point, food, water, toilet paper, that sort of stuff.

The distances involved are beyond the power projection capability of a lot of small scattered and localized groups. Rolling in without logistics assets puts you at risk of losing your combat assets to mundane things like a vehicle breakdown, traffic accident, lost luggage at the airport or whatever. Years ago you could fedex a supply drop in, nowdays, that is heavily restricted.

I agree on the sustainment packages but there is another angle to it, which is having some ready to ship to rally points along a convoy route. Money works surprisingly well, but we know how things like paypal get shut down quickly.

Prepaid phones and phone cards can present a security problem, but there are a few ways to mitigate some of those risks while the communications assets can retain some value. What we all learned the sickening way is how some woman's fondness for her fancy android smartphone and its built-in GPS led the feds to Dyer and can compromise a convoy movement, but a phone swapping protocol can help mitigate that situation, especially if things heat up a bit like some people say they will and there is the strong possibility of multiple hotspots happening in the second half of this year.

Hotels and gas stations can work as sustainment package pickup points. Then there are working groups that can be organized through social media.

For that matter, anyone heading through Portland Oregon on their way to the Bundy Ranch deployment is welcome to stop by for a meet and greet and pick through some of my gear and supplies but for now, my contributive efforts are remaining in a different direction and are on a two to five year commitment before I figure I can justify putting a significant investment into any other situation. The only way I would go to any deployment other than what I am already committed to is if someone foots the travel and expenses bill, but I would not be asking any wages on it.

There are some rumors of extra care being taken for mail and package searches on mail and parcels going into the Bunkerville area now, so a lot of stuff will likely have to go in by courier.

It seems the number one expense people are having to contend with on this is fuel, and it might be worth checking to see if we can do any sort of prepaid fuel cards. That helps coordinate contributions while preventing the people who are having to travel from using any sort of personal debit card which could be used to track their travel routes through backtracking the locations of purchases.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.