The plan is to use it for what ever emergencies may come up, hence self-contained. If the situation changes rapidly we can roll with the punches and bug-out quickly.
By being a certified mobile kitchen you will not be hassled to much by health inspectors and shut down if you are running a clean place that is in compliance. One less thing to worry about.
By being a certified food server with like a church group so to speak, you can really buy in bulk at prices that are really low.

Also as in the Army, not everyone needs to go to one centralized location to get a meal. A large meal can be placed in insulated food containers and runners then take it to where it is needed.
Hence, in the rear with the gear.

All I'm saying is that regardless of whether it's a hurricane,tornado, flood,forest fire or what have you this is someplace to start and then go from there. I could not afford to feed 500 people on my own dime unless like chow halls, they pay for their meals, that or a plan has been setup to where the cooks show up and and donated money is used to buy bulk ingredients.

Just like if some para-medics or other medical professionals were to setup a medical trailer/tent/ambulance. Or some plumbers building a field shower setup. Etc, etc, etc.

A little here, and a little there, but the bottom line is personal responsibility, do what you can for yourself and your team and that makes things easier on any independent logistical entities that are able to respond.

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.