There was another guy not on that list some of us (cough) know did some time when the feds came down on him pretty hard supposedly walks the walk, allegedly...

I am just now on the safer road for the time being since looking to your right and left and seeing that nobody followed you to the fire is a sobering experience.

The thing about putting patriots with preppers/survivalists is to take it a little more mainstream on the prepping side, and to separate from the flag waving "my country right or wrong and I always trust the government to do what's right" type of Bush era voter. Who is just as quick to wave their NRA membership card around and pose with their BATF approved full autos and point the finger at "those other bad gun owners who give us good ol boys a bad name".

There is a militia site for that type, its the rip off of this one called WRAM where everyone gets to boast about how their informant and privilege status with the FBI is better than the other guy.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.