It looks like bugging out would be a losing proposition. If the government doesn't stop you, roving gangs of thieves will. It looks like I would have to stay put.

That means I would have to take steps to hide my food and other resources. Here's where I would like some intel on how they're conducting their searches. Are they just checking the drawers and cabinets, or are they checking the attics, basements, and spaces behind the walls? What equipment are they using? I may have to bury my wheat and rice underground.

How often is electricity and the internet available? Can the internet be accessed anonymously from libraries or other places? If so, having some money in Bitcoin would probably be a good idea. it looks like official government currencies are worthless - but people will still trade over the internet for Bitcoin (see Venezuela).

Looking at it economically, the reason food is not available is because no one has anything to pay for it. People who have it would accept silver for it, but it's not even in the city because no one can pay to transport it (except maybe the government). Desperate people do desperate things (again, see Venezuela), and if anyone knows you have a stash of food, they're going to come knocking. Never tell anyone what you have.

Onward and upward,