wink Aka Smoke, wink
Thank you for this link:

Professor Igor Panarin further stated in his warning that “the US Dollar is not secured by anything. The country's foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”
I am aware of him (Igor Panarin)and his predictions (if you can call them that )and the predictions of many in the financial "Know" Outside of the U.S. that have been actually been saying for some time, that the economy of the U.S. was "Toast" and actually the "toast" would burn, And then our rulers would "Toast" their accomplishments on our ashes!

I have come to learn that
There is absolutely nothing to stop the dollars fall once it begins in earnest.
I repeat.... There is NOTHING that can possibly even slow the fall when it begins...and I do believe we have reached the end of the beginning for that fall.
Note that I said the economy will burn, not everything.
Every thing will burn when the fire that is the economy turns into a blowtorch and does it's job... as blow torch, and incinerates everything it touches....which is...
Pretty much... everything.

I have been aware of "Sorcha Faal" for some years now, and like everyone out their pushing a message I believe that...


"Revelation of the method" for the far left is about my best guess for this author...FWIW
Everyone gets a little truth(propaganda) mixed
with their lies(propaganda) as best I have deciphered it.

I believe the god of this world ordained it so...

But who is the god of this world?
I hope you are not surprised to find that
He is called the "ruler of this world" in John 12:31. This title, and many more, are attributed to Satan throughout Scripture. To say, for example, that Satan is the "prince of the power of the air" is to signify that in some way he rules over the world and the people in it.

This is not to say that he rules the world completely; only God does this. But it does mean that God, in His infinite wisdom, has allowed Satan to operate in this world (within the boundaries God has set for him) and has allowed Satan to operate with an agenda.

Life itself can be seen as one Grand exercise in "Free Will"


Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
- Mark Twain

There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain.
R. D. Laing