Alot of people waiting for "the perfect storm."
One million troops on our soil, American, or not, is only part of the equation.

But, it might not come to pass exactly the way that they think it will. Many "unexpected" events are yet to come according to the Bible. Like the earthquake in Haiti. No one predicted it, expected it, or warned about it. First for the East Coast.

Now, over 100,000 bodies are left on the streets and in buildings for four days. Imagine the disease that is coming in the next wave. Those still alive and injured contaminated with blood, no sewage sanitation or water for washing. And, they will be carrying TB, cholera, typhoid, and dengue fever. They will be carrying those who died along the trip. And they will be welcomed by the "compassionate" US government to Miami and the east coast of Florida, to be relocated throughout the country.

Some might say, "Yeah, but that's Haiti." OK, but if such a catastrophe was to hit a US city, how many in our younger generation would be able to retain their sanity without the creature comforts they've had for years ? How many soccer mom's would be able to survive three days without a cell phone glued to their ear ? How many men would know anything about scavenging food--other than looting their neighbor's house ? Third world mentality would not be low enough a phrase to describe what this next round of storms will bring.

Militia is too focused on standard combat techniques, and would not survive a real war. As much as some oppose the idea, without coordinating efforts, each unit would be taken out one at a time.

One million soldiers is the military prospect. What about the soon-to-be federalized sheriffs and local cops ? They know the local areas and would be used to bring about more harm on the populace than even the one million men in uniform.

I'm kinda tired tonight, but I'm awake enough to know that we haven't seen anything yet. Better make sure you are right with God.

"Take heed: watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is." -- Mark 13:33.