Originally posted by ConSigCor:
A well regulated militia being [b]necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Until the constitution is changed by a properly ratified amendment; every single word of it is binding upon the federal government. Any and every law or treaty to the contrary is null and void from it's very inception and thus of no force.

If by chance this "treaty" is passed by congress they are guilty of treason. If anyone attempts to enforce such an unconstitutional, tyrannical act; they too are guilty of treason.

And the proscribed penalty for treason is...?

You know the answer. [/b]
CSC, you are exactly right.

"IF" any part of the federal government so much as tries to enact, or enforce, or in any way disarm the American Citizenry, it will be worse than throwing a 'match into a powder-keg'.
For well over a solid year now, the American public has been waking up and arming itself. American Citizens have been buying up any firearms and ammo that could be had simply on the fact that obomba was sworn into office. This buying trend has not even slowed down during this time, except for the drop in supply where the firearms and ammo mfg'ers couldn't keep up with the demand and the shelves literally emptied of stock! (The number of Americans that are now reloading their own ammo has also quadrupled during this time).

The firearms and ammo sales numbers are purely staggering for the last year alone. Look them up, American Citizens have purchased enough firearms and ammo just within this one year to completely arm the Indian and Chinese armies! ...And this was all with a 'bad economy be damned' attitude that even to this day is still continuing with firearms and ammo makers running their plants 3 shifts-24/7-355 days of the year just to try and catch up with demand!

If anyone in our government,(or any other government on this planet), thinks for a second that they can begin to disarm Americans for any reason, they will be better imagining they can swimm a molten sea of lead and come out unscathed.
Americans are so angry and fed up simply with our government shoving America further into an un-recoverable depression AND forcing BS health care on us, AND costing Americans even more jobs on a monthly bases... that this Nation is so close to a revolt without any government trying to pull additional BS like 'Civilian Disarmament'!


No, "if" any government or government actors so much as tries to disarm America in any way or for any reasons, the last thing they will have to worry about is losing some future election! There will be more than a "Hot Time in the ol' Town, Tonight!" if and when they might ever try!



"Argue for your limitations, and in the end, when all is said and done, they're your's!"

"Sheeple & Shepherds, pick one! You can't be both no matter how you dress."

The higher ya go... the higher ya can get! Mountain Men Rock!