Well, they've made it abundantly clear that we are not going to hang onto our liberty or our nation through the political process.

Question is what, where and when?

I see little to no leadership, no balls and no one willing to make the first move. Can't say I blame anyone but that is the way it is.

What would be the spark needed?
Where is our "Tea Party"?
Where is our Lexington Green?

Seems we're getting close but there are not enough of us and every day that goes by the enemy grows stronger.

Much longer and it will be a moot point as to whether there is even any reasonable chance of victory. Of course, Churchill noted that there might come a time when men have to fight to the death merely because it is better than to live as slaves. I couldn't agree more.

Some would do anything to breathe the air for one more minute. I would not.

Bottom line though:
We're in trouble.
Our nation is in trouble.
And we are nowhere near ready to do anything to save her.

The War for America
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