There are a lot of old tricks out there to put images on a computer that won't show up on a browser.

Java .jar files can contain images and even if the image is not used it can be renamed to .zip and unpacked by anyone and pictures extracted. This is why those java programs that require you to allow the applet to download a .jar file locally (some do that), should only come from a trusted source.

The "height=0 width=0" HTML tag is another one. That used to be done with HTML email programs years ago when you wanted to see of someone opens an email you send to them. It works more on a CGI script approach that drives a counter, like those hit counters you see on web pages. On the other end they can tell if you actually opened the email or not, and you never see a picture but that picture can be cached in the computer, like every image you see. Spammers use this technique to see if the email they are spamming is active or not. This is why opening spam mail is like opening a flood gate.

Another possible trick, though I have not seen done actively, is to use the alpha portion of a .png or similar image file format where each BIT of the image has an additional element to it that can form the array for an entire different image. Kind of like "invisible ink".

By the way, do not leave any firearms out for maintenence men to see. People get off on calling the state, it makes them feel important to rat on somebody. Especially where guns are involved and the person who finds them is among the indoctrinated who thinks that everybody who has them is a terrorist. If there is no room in the cache then just leave out the bolt-actions.

Is running
Is coming
Is running
Down my face