The Failure rate of Parachutes is about 1 in 300 jumps.

So if you are serious Sky Diver you will most likely experience a Main Chute failure eventually. The more you Jump the sooner you will have that failure.

The same principle applies to injuring and murdering innocent Citizens.

The more people they hurt the closer they come to ticking off the wrong person.

And considering the number of these attacks by Law Enforcement on innocent Citizens, I do not believe it will be much longer before they finally attack the wrong person who will get payback. And once the first person fights back it will encourage other people to fight back, and the percentage of people fighting back will increase, until eventually cops really will not know if they will return home to their families or not.

Then things will get very interesting, and may be the cause of the next Civil War

The reason I believe what would be simply a few Citizens getting Personal Justice, will turn into a Civil War, is if the cops do not know exactly who is targeting them, and start doing what was done in the case of the “DC Sniper”.

The cops were targeting anyone who fit the profile and were also targeting all owners of AR-15s in that area. And remember that those jerks, I mean the so called Sniper were targeting the general population. What do you feel would happen if it was the Police who were being targeted.

I believe that the Police would use extreme tactics to apprehend these Cop Killers, and if a few Citizens get killed in the process the cops are not going to care at all. And this just may be what it takes to get a large percentage of people to fight back. Just think about this, if you were a gun owner and other gun owners were being murdered just because they were gun owners and you thought that these murdering pigs would try to murder you, what would you do. The options would be to: do nothing, just do nothing and hope they will not murder you; give in, call the cops, and voluntarily offer to cooperate and turn your guns in; or do as a real man would do and join the fight and start targeting and taking out the police before they take you out.

Each of these options will be taken by a percentage of the gun owners who are on the police hit list, and the eventual outcome will depend on what percentage will actually fight. If enough people fight then it becomes an insurrection, and if there are insurrections in a large number of areas and these insurrections grow large enough, it will become an actual Civil War or Revolution.

It is a fact that the more oppressive Government becomes and as more atrocities are committed by police, the more people will fight back, and eventually will be able to defeat the enemy.

It used to be Winning the Hearts and Minds of the People. But what are Government and it’s agents of Satan are currently doing is, Losing the Hearts and Minds of the People.

The Militia does not have to worry about getting people to come over to our side, since the Government is doing a very good job of making enemies of the people.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)