"I've been outraged by every single one of these incidents I've reported. But some of them are so outrageous, they take my breath away. This is one of them.

To be fair, though, I've only heard one side of the story. I really hope there's more to this. If there is, I'll post it here.

Onward and upward,

I hope their side is a Drastic difference!
It has to stop, and people have to be held accountable for their action no matter what position they hold.

I have always believed that all Law Enforcement, Government Agency, and our Military should be held to a much higher standard. A code of Morals & Ethics should be burned into the back of their heads so the guy behind them in line has something to read!

"Setting a good example is s far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms"

Sic Vis Pacem Para Bellum

When you want peace
Prepare for War.