You guys are hard core. I would never live in a house that would kill me and my family just so that I can avoid the very unlikely chance of a SWAT team coming to get me.

Once again I must bring back reality into this situation.

SWAT teams are not stupid. Most of the above tactics would not work on a burglar much else a SWAT team.

SWAT Teams use level 3 or level 4 plates front and rear.

SWAT teams will not be fooled easily by moving your house numbers. Your garage is obviously not the house they have the floor plans too.

Vests that police use are no longer kevlar. Most of them are using far more advanced composite materials. It also takes a tremendous about of heat to melt 39 layers of kevlar.

I would like to see you guys start trying these tactics you are saying would work. It should not be promoted publically if you have not tried it. Because that is how people get killed.

I am not trying to be a troll. I am trying to save lives by dispelling the bad information people seem to be getting.

Keep in mind every SWAT team will have different gear, different tactics, and almost universally better training than the average militia. They also have Full auto's in almost all cases.

I know this can be done but why? It's so much easier to escape and evade. Your in a losing battle if they sent SWAT in after you your days are numbered. There are so many cases of prepard people getting taken down by stupid tactics.