The concept of SWAT to deal with active shooters,hostage situations,and other immediate and extreme threats to life is sound.

However,enter the 'war on drugs'.Despite the necessity for the first prohibition to actually be legitimized by an actual amendment to the Constitution,and the lesson it should have taught as to its failure and the fact that violence increased by hundreds of times over when we created an illicit market for criminals to thrive off of,we have been violating the individual right to choose to be a crackhead for over 4 decades now.
It has done nothing but create extreme burdens on people caught in the middle-the average American,not to mention the burden on Liberty it imposes with forfeiture laws,skyrocketing incarceration rates,and the actual cost of this illegitimate 'war' in terms of taxation to fund it.

SWAT teams,once considered a necessity only for dealing with extreme situations, started financing their operations past the initial government grants by asset forfeiture laws.They now kick in doors for the money found in drug dealers' possession.
They kick in doors for cash.

"Hell,if the dopers get to profit from their crime,why shouldn't the police?" Say the misguided statists among us.

This has ushered in a whole new era of corruption.Rather than lone rouge cops or groups of rouge cops acting on individual proclivities of racism or greed outside the limits of their recognized authority,they are now encouraged to find and seize property and money for themselves and their agencies.

This is a game changer.

Rather than actually being outside the law in acts of corruption,this is 'lawful' as per the bureaucracy.In order to 'crack down on crime',they have made crime profitable for the state.The entire concept is that the more seizures of money you make,the more toys you get and the more money you make.This is institutionalized corruption based on nothing less than materialistic greed,which establishes police as nothing less than government sanctioned mercenaries who use military tactics that endanger life well beyond the actual 'crime' they are acting on (if a REAL crime is actually being committed at all) in order to catch a payday.

This is unacceptable.

And now where is the incentive to actually reduce crime?
One could suppose,by the twist of logic that makes crime pay for the police,that the police themselves would not like to see a reduction in the type of crime they profit from.Nor would the state,which rakes in millions of dollars in seizures annually.
Logic would dictate that it would make sense to not actually win the 'war on drugs'; about as much sense as a gift shop owner who wouldn't want to provoke a reduction in tourism.

Why end a good thing?
Even if it is killing the Constitution.....

[Linked Image]

Its all about the bottom line,right?
All about the profit.

However,this profiteering from crime makes them nothing other than CRIMINALS.

We should never tolerate the use of such extreme force in our neighborhoods,no matter what kind of neighborhood-unless there is no alternative but to use such force because of a hostage,active shooter,or other actual deadly scenario.

Serving a drug warrant for cash is simply not that kind of scenario.

I appreciate the discussion on how to deal with SWAT teams.They have gotten out of control on a national level.

However,I believe we should look at the background and history of how things got to be this way.Its all about the 'war on drugs',or rather 'The un-Amended Prohibition'.We need to be active and attempt to lawfully rescind those laws that have created this situation.
Thats our first line of action,our first line of defense.
By ending the illicit market on drugs,we not only take away the windfall profits this has given to criminals,which has enabled obscure street gangs to become international threats and in turn has given them the finances to create multi-billion dollar organizations that can rival governments,
this will also end the police-profiteering and asset forfeiture that is so detrimental to our fundamental core values of property rights in America.

We must stop electing politicians who use tragedies and fear to manipulate and intimidate us into accepting the police state and all this nonsense.

We must remind them that the most deadly entity to innocent life by and large has always been a huge powerful government,not individual criminals.

We must remind them that this is America-and here we have the right to choose to ruin our own lives with drugs,and as long as we arent violating the rights of others,there is no law they can enforce to deter that aspect of our individual liberty.

The government does not have the authority to dismantle the Constitution in order to keep people from doing what they like with their own lives.'Keeping us safe' is no longer an acceptable guise for assailing Liberty in order to keep someone from being a dope addict.(Or to legitimize police profiteering from enforcing laws).

We end the war on drugs,we end asset forfeiture laws,and we will avoid whats coming next.

Because whats coming next will not be anything less than SWAT being used to enforce things like compliance with national ID,'hate speech' laws that destroy the first amendment and such.(Just wait till you read my opinion on the worst case scenario next,what an evil hatemonger I am....)

Thats how these things tend to progress,and History bears witness to this fact.Governments that have been given the power to 'crack down on' undesirable populations within a society often then turn around and use their newly minted authority to the detriment of the entire populace.
This concept is best exemplified by understanding the poem "First They Came..." by Pastor Martin Niemöller .

“He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” Thomas Paine

If they can get away with using such force because Americans are too quick to write of the liberty of crackheads,then they will escalate and justify the same use of force against dissenters of tyrannical government.

And then-the only solution will be self sacrifice.

We will have to accept the role of political martyrdom.

With the power and will of the state and the weight of its huge bureaucracies behind it,and barring actual offensive operations against it,defenders will be forced into the practically suicidal position of making it more than a 'job' for these thugs with badges and guns-they will have to accept sacrificing their lives to take a few government sanctioned criminals to the grave with them,they will have to make every SWAT thug have to ask himself (or herself)-

"If I go out and do this to my fellow Americans tonight,will I be the next to die".

Make them question the reality of ever collecting their pensions.

Indeed,it may have already come to this.
Free citizens do not have to tolerate abuses of authority,no matter who these citizens are.
As long as government refuses to respect inalienable rights and seeks to enforce victim-less crime laws by victimizing citizens with military force in order to deprive them unjustly of their lives and property,and in order to assert itself over us in an unlawful,unconstitutional manner-we have a sacred duty to fight back the best we can.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." Thomas Jefferson

I place my hope in the lawful process of the REPUBLIC ,in my fellow Americans' will and intelligence to determine the rightful place of government and the ever-louder demand that it be brought back to its proper Constitutionally proscribed role,but I am prepared and willing to die to resist tyranny.

Liberty or Death.

"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson