A highly productive confidential informant is extremely valuable to local law enforcement and that is where you will see crimes being manufactured just to keep the productive informant out of jail and on the streets. They gain high levels of credibility with law enforcement and on the street level, can carry more actual authority than those with badges because they effectively have a license to selectively break laws and call in the law, options which regular criminals do not have day to day, but will aspire to gain. It is something that regular citizens would despise if they knew about it, but rarely get privvy to.

I KNOW someone who knows someone just like that.

He grew up in the same neighborhood with my dude and was always cool to him. Then when he was looking to make some cash because he lost his job that's when the pet snitch made his moves...

Pet snitch-that's a good name, right? Cuz I knew that motherfucker and he was always in dirt but never got dirty, y'know.

So with my dude's money and the snitch's automtive knowhow they started buying cars... except that there was something always wrong-darn and the snitch was supposed to know better from a lifetime of horse trading.

My dude went along, at least until they started talking about guns and over the phone the pet snitch tried to talk him into buying a TEC 9 that had a murder on it for 200 bucks.

I had told my dumbass friend to break off contact with the piece of shit, he was setting him up for a fall so he told me that he said hell no over the phone. Good for him.

I think that's what tipped off that dirtbag that that particular cow was milked because in a couple months he set him up with the local traffic maids. Oh he was squeaky clean but liked to go out so he got a DUI. And got milked. And the pet snitch got away with hustling him.

I heard later he was a CI, and given how he's been running around his entire life hustling and always got along with the cops well, do the math. My friend didn't.

Be your own leader
