Originally posted by J. Croft:
As for SWAT getting away with shit, somewhere down the road someone's just going to have to say fuck it because the current trend of cops getting away with shit isn't going to stop on it's own.
Something that breed is almost never trained for is resisting "intensive questioning" once they are picked up, held at a discreet location and thoroughly questioned by Mr Blowtorch. Under those circumstances, it is never particularly difficult to determine who the orders for the death squad attack were coming from.

The problem is that it often becomes very difficult to determine who those orders are coming from when you are the poor schmuck who is getting raided by surprise and the shooters don't know or care much who you are or what is really going on. It is still fairly rare where a police shotcaller sets the case up and is the first man through the door and pulls the trigger himself, but it has happened that way (with no dire consequences for the pigs of course), in the Donald Scott case down in Los Angeles county in the early 1990s. It was a clear cut federal jurisdiction federal murder under color of authority case, but the local federal magistrates just rubber stamped their approval on the operation (no surprises there).


Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.