The fatal shooting of Andrew Scott by Lake County police is starting to draw a lot of media attention . And a lot of protests , as well.

Braving pouring rain, more than 40 protesters with signs and umbrellas stood in front of the Lake County Sheriff's Office late Thursday afternoon chanting "Justice for Drew" and shouting various questions about an incident that left an innocent man shot dead by a deputy over the weekend.

The group also paraded several feet away in front of the Lake County Historic Courthouse in Tavares, waving signs at passing cars in support of Andrew Lee Scott, shouts thatgrew more fervent every time law enforcement drove past.

"All they had to do was yell three words, 'Lake County deputies,'" yelled John Knox.

Some wore shirts that demanded justice. One woman had her own chant, "Serve and protect, not search and destroy."

"This is something that should have never happened," said protester Toni Gardner.

"You work for the sheriff's office and kill someone, you get paid leave," shouted one protester.

"If it was anybody else, they would have been arrested for murder," shouted Mark Schmude, standing in front of the sheriff's office in a soaked blue T-shirt.

Protesters said Thursday they were skeptical of the defense of the shooting.

"I want to see the video footage," yelled Mike Premo.

The protest was arranged by friends of Scott, including his employers and co-workers at Hungry Howie's Pizza in Leesburg. Manager Brian Evey, whose protest sign had Scott's birthday and day of death printed on it, said he didn't condone his drivers carrying guns but understood why Scott felt it was important to carry one even to the door Sunday morning.

Some of his co-workers and friends agreed.

"If someone came banging on my door at 1:30 a.m. in the morning and wouldn't say who they were, I would bring a gun with me to the door, too," said Paul Reed, who used to work at at the same restaurant and said he has been robbed before as a pizza delivery man....
Onward and upward,