Mannlicher; Please continue!

Since your statements portray you as a KNOWLEGABLE individual, who KNOWS where the best "INTEL" can be gotten, please enlighten us.

And, also, while you're at that task; why don't you FULLY explain who & what you are calling "...whack job conspiracy sources..."[after all, that intimates that you are NOT one], and you use such erodite laungage that it impels me to BEG YOU to reveal your knowlege about these "...whack job consiracy sites...", so that I can avoid being misled & bambuzzeled by such.

THANKS! It'll be SUCH A BLESSING to be enlightened & sent down the "straight & narrow" road of INTEL gathering.

BTW, (just in case you MIGHT sorta think that I'm be less than serious)....I'm SERIOUS! I'm DROP DEAD SERIOUS.

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"