free radical I agree with you again as far as obtainin intel nothing better than human
intel getting the photographs the video footage ect and verifying it.

I have done that it works I had gotten tired of there is a camp here and there and everywhere so one day my friend and I took a plane trip we had reports the Chinese were coming into Long Beach everyday citizens reporting a base in Long Beach
with chinese soldier who like to fire at citzens if they got to close
we flew over the entire region Saw not one chink soldier was seen

ON the other hand I did verify an actual presence of fema holding area with photographs and a salute report signed by two people

The camp this was 10 years ago needs to be confirmed that it is still there it was located off the main hwy 15 Hwy 15 out side of Vegas North of the city just across the street from Nellis AFB, If someone is in that area would you confirm that it is still there ? please grab photos
also at that time it was complete with Machine gun tower barbed wire sliding gate on wheel both ends along side a set of train tracks
also had a sign property of the US Army
the actual information was obtained way back in
we have not verified its existence since that period long over due for reverification

adviser alpha squad