No More Free Wacos
Well I think we can know accept Alex Jones as at least well intentioned and effective inreaching a large audience. Take a look at one of today's top promoted stories from one of our own.

Kudos to both Mike and Alex.

Mike Vanderboegh
Sipsey Street Irregulars
May 7, 2009

AJ has also had Mark Koernke as a guest on his show before. I have been on as a caller countless times and have always been able to get on the air without having my questions screened and have been able to promote the militia and been well recieved.

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless"With the Wild Geese"