Oh well, I'm back again...

Well, to sum it up, I believe that the MORAL/ETHICAL STANDARS that we determine, (individually, & as UNITS) to maintain are the essential difference makers...

The REASON that the ATF are JBT's is due to the lack of a MORAL/ETHICAL STANDARD being BOTH established & maintained...AND, that very REALITY is the MAIN reson this Country is degrading & collapsing & lossing God's blessing...DAILY!

BUT! I'm NOT talking William Bennets' doctrine here! I'm talking simple Christianity...the REALLY TOUGH LOVE sort, that SUFFERS before DEFILING...and that GOES that EXTRA MILE, before cheating, stealing or violating another's rights.

The "COMMON LAW" was based upon two basic precepts:

"I will ALWAYS do what I say I will", and

"I will NOT infringe on others "rights" or "property".

Not so complicated.

And, Jesus' LAWS were TWO also:

#1] "LOVE the Lord your God with ALL of your HEART, SOUL, MIND & STRENGTH." and

#2] "Love thy neighbor AS yourself".

Again...not too comlicated...JUST DAMNED HARD! But...the results are ALWAYS worth the effort!

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"