Two Words. Crotch and Neck.

A while back I was watching a show where a swat team was raiding a house, and the owner of the house had a unique way of dealing with it. He had the idea that one day he would be raided, so he strung a high pressure air line all the way around his house, and ran it back to a pump sprayer inside the house.

The small clear air line was not noticeable, but had small holes drilled into it every couple feet or so. When he heard what was going on, he squeezed the pump trigger and released a fine mist of kerosene on the unsuspecting officers who were sneaking around his home, then like the fourth of july, a spark was struck, and a wall of fire circled his house setting all the swat on fire, and he had a perfect chance to pick them all off one at a time.

But of coarse, this was just a movie. We all know that No One would ever do such a thing to our Fine boys in swat uniforms.

Old Farts Explode, not Burn