Whether it is "The Constitution of the North American Union," The Constitution of the United States of America, or any other laws, we need to face one fact.

We live in a society when the government picks and chooses which laws they will follow and which laws they won't. A perfect example are all the laws on immigration. Ignored. But, let a preacher in a California church say something against Bush's war in Iraq, and the IRS is called in "to enforce the law" and start taxing the church as a business (so much for separation of church and state, huh ?).

Our Constitution is only quoted when it serves the purpose of the tyrants. They wave the flag of "this is a nation of laws." But, if WE openly mention the Constitution in public, or in Court, we are put on a list as "terrorists."

The Soviet Constitution wasn't really so bad. It even guarenteed freedom of religion. But, just as that Soviet group of leaders was corrupt, and chose whatever they wanted from their constitution, and ignored the rest, so do our leaders today.

So, even IF the Constitution of the North American Union was real (which it isn't), be assured that any laws are meaningless unless they fit the purposes of those in power.

"Take heed: watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is." -- Mark 13:33.