It's going to make US based production labor more competitive and imported stuff more costly. This's last holiday season saw some big flat screen TVs going so cheap that people didn't understand our charges for installation being sometimes over half the cost of the TV. Pretty good TVs on sale for $350-$400, but a good mount is around $100, labor to install $120 on up to $250. I ended up with so many trade-in TVs that I started to have to just start putting them in front of each other in my office.

right now, Portland real estate is still booming, but that's because of a major influx of outside money. The labor market is tightening up because of the local cost of living going up and people not quite getting how the "hookup" needs to work for a local working class. I kept raising rates as my rent stayed the same and built up my tool inventory, but eventually my landlord figured it was time to cash in on the rising house values. By the time I was looking for another place rents had gone way up. I got to the point where office space in the industrial side of town costs about what house space previously was in a decent hipster type neighborhood.

Issue is that since the hipster thing got internationally famous and fashionable, those prices went crazy.

Used motor homes got to be a hot market for a little while but what has gone crazy is the "van down by the river" situation. Holy crap. Camper vans and conversion vans going top dollar, and peoples renting driveway space for the same money, if not more, than renting a room.

Put it this way, a really nice used Itasca motorhome with slide outs can be $20,000, but although looking good might be past the age limit for being In a trailer park. A well set up VW camper van ten years older that can fit in the inner city gentrified neighborhoods goes for the same money. An older motorhome with some clunker issues like mine, south of $5,000 but mobile enough to relocate easily enough. Bus shoes, as often as not, "come take it for free because we need it off the property...must be towed".

The big thing I see though is in the ability to manufacture stuff locally. World currencies going up, dollar going down, means stuff you make locally starts getting compeititve. Earlier this year I bought a case of marinated asperigus from an Indian reservation farm. Their take on stuff, smart too, was to do everything on some products in house. They did everything from growing to wholesaling the processed food product.

I would say shopping the prices right and having well appointed workshops is going to be like what was being said about 3D printers being the return of the village blacksmith. Now though, it's not about that little plastic pencil holder making shit, which will probably be all over the place, but every town having some little industrial area where guys will fire up the CNC plasma table and their welder and fabrication shop to make you those fancy bumpers and lift kits like you see in the 4x4 magazines. The year of your rig not being the major factor unless it's brand new, but how much of the local economy you fed while fixing it up. Then the local motorcycle guy, and locally made fashion clothes,

White people are not so much on that, but everyone else seems to be. For example, there is no proper Mexican wedding without a locally made wedding dress, or prom, or other major event for a girls life.

People getting hosed and needing charity are going to be the elderly working poor. Getting well into their 60s, without much savings, limited income options and a rising cost of living. That's where the health issues can be devastating, and figh mandatory health insurance at several hundred a month, it wipes out people who even had figured they had a retirement plan.

That's who really got hit hard when the Soviet Union fell, and is really the final stage of economic warfare on the lower white working class in this country. People stuck with nothing and priced out of their own economy.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.