Guarding The Road In: A Move To Confiscate Guns, How It Will Be Done, And The Event To Make It Happen

by Robert Jones

Guarding The Road In
The things to come in this country will be made in a move never seen before and probably never touched the minds of many--even the ones who are awake more than likely have or have not suspected what I will attempt to point out and explain. I read everything, listen to everybody, take that information, then I throw it in a pot and boil up my own conclusions and speculations [with much input from all of my research]. The coming purge against gun owners in the country and how it will be pulled off (or attempted) will most likely be the exact opposite of what many or most of you are currently thinking, expecting, or predicting will happen/take place [keep in mind that the scuzz-buzzards can only steer events and not control the outcomes even when they think they can].

How It Will Be Done
Pondering much of the new information by Lindsey Williams [also here], I was thinking of how he claims his elite contact has said the way that food shortages will take place is the complete opposite of how everybody thinks it will take place because in the coming devaluation-into-inflation of (no less than 30) 30 to 50% devaluation; the food will be on the shelves but people will starve because the prices will be so inflated they will not be able to buy it.

Stopping right there, the light came on. This is more than likely the way the elite plan of getting the guns and ammunition from the American people (the attempt to[remember they can't control the outcome]) without having to physically come after guns/gun owners and effectively keeping you from getting/obtaining guns and ammunition, re-manufacturing supplies, and the like. The prices of guns and ammunition will inflate with the devaluation of the dollar which will take peoples ability to buy or obtain them away which in turn the shipping/importation [7.62x39mm] will also diminish either causing it to stay on the shelf/not be able to reach the shelf.

Once this is effected, the opportunity for the government/NWO to pull them off the shelves has an open door to ramifications that will proceed with the coming NaZi-Pelosi micro-chip-finance-control-gun registration/confiscation-vaccination- Bill [the bill that has nothing to do with health care whatsoever] and or further International treaties from the U.N., INTERPOL, etc..........

The Event To Make It Happen
This will include the devaluation of 30-50% to effect the beginning of non-physical gun control/confiscation into a physical confiscation conflict [coming thereafter with the next example] when..................

The scenario that I see forthcoming that will spark the martial law powder keg bringing gun confiscation, Foreign Troops-UN-INTERPOL soldiers in to quell unrest/assist in suppressing dissenters/gun owners, breakdown of civil order, civil war, and chaos will be the ORCHESTRATED AND PLANNED [by the elite] assassination of Barack Obama in order to declare a national emergency, impose martial law, effect all executive orders or the like, and to create the chaos needed to effect their order by dividing people in the United States with the guise that the many people will welcome this event that absolutely despise this individual [these are the people who vote Republican that are not wake and do not know about the NWO] because the things being done through this administration will lose all credibility [as the president is seen in their eyes] and the use for him by the NWO is no longer of any worth which will effect the reasons, excuses, and triggers by this event that will be the final pretext against firearms and ammunition. This type of event will also be a trigger for civil unrest/civil war by pitting the American people against each other over the event.

In the planned transition of the United States into the New World Order, much is illusion, nothing is certain, and anything is possible. It is best to be prepared for the worst as our best solution. This is just a thought of mine and it is my opinion expressed in this blog.

I am not a prophet or cannot predict the future, but I am convinced the road ahead is The Fight of Your Life---Get Ready, It's Coming.

Robert Jones

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861