Originally posted by Walfred:
This is the False Flag to kick off the attack on Militia's and Patriot's in general.We must end all infighting now and prepare for a dramatic increase in security measure's meant to further restrict our personal freedom's.

Stand together or fall alone!........
Did you read his farewell letter? I don't want to call it a manifesto, because it associates him with the Unabomber.

Please read his farewell letter again, and remember that it took 27 drafts to get it the way he wanted to convey it.

It may indeed turn out that Stack did not actually fly the plane into the building, but I believe that many of the sentiments expressed in his letter can be applied to millions of Americans, including me, and therefore I feel that his expression of persecution by the system is genuine.

In this surveillance-state however, his situation may have been monitored and even manipulated.

If this was a PSYOP, it is an epic FAIL in terms of tarnishing the freedom movement.

False rumors that Stack contributed to RP's Campaign are going viral, but this will only help Ron Paul to publicize the underlying issues.

Compare this to the OKC Bombing, and you will observe that no child-care center was targeted. The intended target was the IRS, and not too many people, liberals included, will show too much compassion for a few dead agents.

My gut tells me that he acted alone, and he chose his target judiciously.

Time will tell...

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!