I do believe though that this was probably just Mr. Stack fed up with the IRS.

Can you blame him...

But the JBT, and the corp media and Socialist News Mr Socialist News Bloviating Club. Will use it to scar the Tea Party or anyone who uses any of the terms that Mr. Stack used.

Such as quoting the founders. Saying you belive in the Constitution.

Seems that many of our beliefs were written in the letter.

Look for HS to bring back their domestic terrorist letter again.

What do we do. Blog everywhere. Say how the governments lack of compassion has pushed many Americans to the breaking point. Let Congress know the fact that they quit listening to the people is driving a large portion of the population to believe that the states should leave the uion or at least reduce the control of the federal government.
We should turn every conversation in every blog whether left or right to the fact that the governmnet is not working. The left will agree because their socialist agenda was not acheived. The right will agree because the left is in charge.
They wish to stop the left and return to there NeoCon agenda.
We must use both sides and reach our goal of a small decentralized federal governmnent, whos only jobs are to defend the Constitution and the borders. and enforce the bill of rights.

States rights is the answer. Or total dismantling of the Federal system.

Will it work...

doubtful, but if we bombard them with info we shall reduce their ability to function.

Our goal is to stop them for now, and remove all of them. By ballot hopefully. If not by ballot as Malcom X said by any means necessary.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf