
For the record I would like to motion that we condemn the action of the Federal government from the presidency of Lincoln to the present. Prior to his unlawful assertion of authority of the Federal government over the rights of the soveriegn nations that comprise the United States to seceed, there was a glimmer of hope that the Republic could have been steered back to it's proper course and allowed to mature as a beacon of liberty to the world. After his criminal acts and the complicity of the northern staets there was a precedence set that the states would yield their sovreignty to the Federal Criminals in DC.

Regardless, the line in the sand ends at the bounds of the Constitution of the United States. That line was crossed long ago and in what our fathers and their fathers before them failed, it is our obligation and our childrens obligation to abolish the tyrrants and form a new government. It is the right of the people to be governed by a government of our choosing and which respects the authority of those governed. Without the consent of the people this government is nothing more than thieves manning the gates to our birth-right.

A long list of usurptions? -Since 1864, again and again.

We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!